View Full Version : Its back!!

02-05-09, 00:47
I have been health anxiety free for almost a year now & its now back.

I am heartbroken at the moment & quite depressed i think this has led me to become panicky & cause of this im all tense & stressed and has triggered of my HA.

Mon when it initially started i began getting a bad cold & throat & of course was convinced i had swine flu. I was so stressed by it all the muscles in my chest & sternum are tensed & inflamed & im getting twinges there so as you can imagine i thought i was having a heart attack..

Day 2 the twinges aren't so bad but my upper back & across my shoulder blades is aching so much im in agony so i have either pulled them from leaning at work or its tension from being so uptight.

Either way im gutted

A very sad
Nic x

02-05-09, 02:04
I know how you feel - I was absolutely gutted when mine came back this spring. I'd wake up feeling hopeless and weepy. I thought I'd broken free of the whole vicious circle. It felt like my life was heading in some horrible, depressing direction.
But now that I feel a bit better I'm coming to terms with it. First of all, I've dealt with this before and I know I can do it again. If you were free from it for a year then I bet you can get rid of it again, and probably for longer. I've had two relapses, and the good period inbetween was longer the second time around.
Hope you feel better soon - you've gotten better before so you can do it again!

02-05-09, 06:12

I'm having the same problem. I was doing SO well. My midwife remarked on how I was a different person...I had energy and optimism. I wasn't worried or stressed anymore..it was awesome!
Then it started to creep back in. Dizziness (I'm pretty sure I have an inner ear thing-I've had this for years) came back and I was convinced it was a tumor or something like that. Then I started having shortness of breath again, just all day long. This become lung cancer, fibrosis, or something of the like. I tried to remind myself this was anxiety, but I couldn't believe it because I'd been doing so well and I couldn't figure out why I would be having it all of a sudden again. So it must be something bad since I hadn't had anxiety in a while. I tried so hard to ignore it, keep up my good attitude etc.
Then a few weeks ago I started getting this really weird symptom that I had never experienced before. It's this weird tingle down both arms when I take a deep breath, sneeze, burp or hiccup. I have been freaking out ever since thinking it's a weird lung thing like a tumor that is causing some sort of pressure on my arm nerves when I do any of the things listed above. I can't figure out what else it would be. I don't want to google, and I thought about making a post here but I am scared that no one else will have had this symptom and that will freak me out that it's something terrible.

Sorry, didn't mean to take over your thread...but I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. I thought I was free, I felt great and now I'm back to this again. I feel like I'm going nuts trying to convince myself it's just anxiety returning. :lac:Why won't it just go away??

02-05-09, 09:46
Hi Nikki,

I can understand how you feel , i got over the HA for a while but hey its back rearing its ugly head. I know what started mine off again but am not going to say as dont want to go into it, but i just feel constantly anxious all the time just now and its exhausting constantly worrying. Especially everything that has been in the news recently certainly doesn't help us much. It is gutting when this happens but you know what on a more positive note if we got over it once we can again and lets face it we have a great support system here that helps us do this, either way we are all here for you, keep your chin up ,:hugs:and take care xx

02-05-09, 21:57
Poor you - same happened to me a while back, had CBT and all went swimmingly for a while.... then a blow when I found a cyst in my boob.... all down hill from there on in...

So depressing as life seemed ok for a bit! Well, Nikki - we're all here for you when you need to vent!

03-05-09, 02:29

I feel like I'm going nuts trying to convince myself it's just anxiety returning. :lac:Why won't it just go away??

I think this completely sums up what health anxiety is all about. The vicious circle - absolute hell!

03-05-09, 18:03
Had a bit of a return myself lately and been feeling very very low, must be something in the air!
Just remember Nick you have beaten this before and you can do it again, big hugs to you all.
