View Full Version : dropping things. im freeking out. HELP PLEASE

02-05-09, 01:46
I'm dropping think all the time people just say you being clumpsey, but am I? I keep picking up things like my phone and it just drops out of my hand. I just carried in a dish from the car and bang all over the floor soon as I reach the kitchen, now I'm freeking out thinking I got ms, my balance seems fine I haven't actually fell over but sometime I miss judge doors and and smack my arm on the wall. I haven't had a panic attack in 3 weeks and please I don't won't one now but its coming I'm worked up and my tongue has gone numb and I can't breath tidy.
Please tell me that I'm getting worked up over nothing, has anyone else ever been like this omg what if I have got ms what will I do, will I eventually be paralisd, wait don't tell me.
Just some friendly advise please till the doctors is open tuesday.

02-05-09, 02:37
Hi Nicola

Please don't freak out, I am exactly the same. It's called being clumsy. Honestly I've been like this for a long time, I mean years!:scared15: :scared15: :scared15: It's just the way we are:mad: :weep:

I know that you're thinking about MS, but I know someone who recently was diagnosed with it & they never had a problem dropping things.

It's easy for me to say don't worry, but I bet lots of people will post saying the same as me. In fact I think we get worse as we get older:lac: :lac:

I don't mean to sound flippant at all, cause I know when you're scared of something, it's hard to not think about it.

Try not to worry & don't google!!!!!:scared15: :scared15: :scared15:
Take care

02-05-09, 02:42
I did write in the symtoms part but seems no one is looking in there being so late.
I've been dropping things a lot like example I pick my phone up and drop it, I was carrying a a glass dish in from the house and bang smashed in just as I got in kitchen.
I'm so freeking out like I got ms or something, my balance seem ok bit I do tend to mis judge things like walking through the door ill smake my arm on the wall.
I haven't had a panic attack in 3 weeks and I don't want one now, have I got ms will I eventually be paralised, wait don't tell.
Anyone else like this? Please tell me I'm ok and i m clumpsy.

02-05-09, 03:41
Also sometime my arms or my legs will feel weak or heavy or like their not mine if that makes sense, is that anxiety. This is the only time ill say this I hope its anxiety cause I really don't want to have this. My worse fear is being paralised. U wanna say what's the symtoms but I don't want to know so I won't google.
How would they determine if its ms would they do blood tests

02-05-09, 04:09
Yes it makes sense. My arms & legs get like that too, its tension, sometimes we don't even realize how tense we are.

As for tests for ms, if you see you gp, he prolly would give you reflex tests. If they are all fine, then its ok. Apart from that I don't know.

Please try not to worry though, its very common.


02-05-09, 04:31
Ok thanks elizabeth ill try and chill out a bit. Hopefull will be ok. I think I'ves worked myself up in a state and now my breathing is all over the place so I got another thing to freek out about. Anxiety sucks.

02-05-09, 05:37
All of the symptoms you describe can be caused by anxiety so worrying about them will only make them worse. Don't google because you are not trained to interpret your symptoms (symptoms can be attributed to many different illnesses - they have to be looked at in relation to other symptoms and test results in order to diagnose a particular disease).

There is no blood test for MS. The Dr would test your reflexes, physical strength and sensations etc and IF he suspected MS you would have an MRI scan to look for lesions in the brain.

I don't think you have anything to worry about but if it would put your mind at rest see your Dr.

02-05-09, 09:36
I have had this before, not so much dropping things but feeling clumsy, having a hard time to pcik up things.
I felt stiff in my fingers and wrists.

It was over 5 months ago i felt this, i did just disapear.

02-05-09, 10:37
Hi Nicola, I get like this A LOT when I am pre menstrual oddly enough! I have noticed it for years how times of monthly cycle make me a bit more clumsy and tend to drop things more. Don't worry too much, I think we all get a bit like this at times, especially if we are rushing around without particularly noticing it. HA heightens our fear and we notice even the slightest symptoms and make them into something more. I'm sure you will be fine.
Take care

02-05-09, 11:02

Loads of replies in the other thread as well so I will merge them together.

02-05-09, 16:37
Thanks for all your replies, I sure hope it me being clumsey. But ill book in with the dr next week to put my mind at rest.
Thanks nic sorry for writing in both threads I was so stressed out last night but thanks everyone for your support once again. I took a amitriplean (can't spell) and it calm me right down to, I didn't actually go into a panic attack last night I tried everything not to. But I still got the heavy chest even now.

Thanks everyone.ill let u know if mr dr thinks I'm being silly again.

17-06-09, 21:19
i have been dropping things also - like when i pick my phone up it just slips out of my hand, or my hands shake when i am using my fork (as though i can't comfortably use the fork without a sensation of shakiness) .. or i will let coffee spill out of the cup. my right hand has always been kinda shaky this year but now that i'm noticing it, it's like i'm dropping stuff and shaking a lot. anyone else do this?