View Full Version : Have not been here for awhile(freaking out)

02-05-09, 03:38
Hey... ok i havent been on here for ages.. but i cant help it anymore.. im freaking out this whole swine flu thing is really getting to me.. ive been ignoring it ar first .. but the media wont shut up .. and well finally last night i looked into it.... im not worried that i have the swine flu.. im worried about getting it and im worried about how fast its spreading... im really scared guys.. please help me.. are people recovering? is this somthing that can be fixed? i see people on tv in masks and stuff like that and i justthink ''wow'' that looks bad this must be serious... im sure in a way it is serious but i need comforting.. i cant sleep i cant eat.. im freaking out fearing of some kind of global wipe out (silly to some im sure) ... please help me out here if anyone has info .. im in need for some peace of mind ;[


02-05-09, 03:54
Remember bird flu it came and went. Listen you be fine, we all be fine. People who has got it is making recovery cause they have the right medication for it. Don't worry yourself dude. If the time comes from its spreading world wide we will handle it. No it won't be a wipe out. Chill relax listen to some music and enjoy life.

02-05-09, 04:09
Hi Andrew,

I too live in Australia and Adelaide also:)

I am worried about the flu and spent a few days having to calm myself down and talk myself down. I am a nurse in a GP surgery so that has got me concerned also as any patients coming in displaying these symptoms will be isolated in our treatment rooms and I will have to do obs on them etc:ohmy:

Anyhow....I can fully understand how this sort of thing plays on health anxiety but we do need to keep some sort of perspective. Also, you have a young wife and child and they need you to keep it together too.

Ok, so here in Oz there are no confirmed cases and many who are being isolated in their own homes and tested for the swine flu. Results should be filtering through soon I would think. NZ has confirmed cases as a bunch of school kids came back from Mexico but they are all doing well as far as I know... We get regular updates from the governement faxed through at work but they are what is being released from the media anyhow.

This flu is concerning because of the 'human to human' transmission (I don't believe bird flu had mutated that far ) but many precautionary measures are being taken. The airports all have thermal scanners now and everyone travellling back into Australia internationally have to fill out a 'health declaration form'.

What you can do is wash your hands well and frequently, especially prior to eating etc and smoking (if you are a smoker) and any 'hand to mouth' motions. Using alcohol gels is also a good idea. If you get sick, stay at home and practice good cough/sneeze hygiene (ie, into a tissue and then dispose and wash your hands).

There is no need to be really alarmed yet but caution and concern is a healthy and natural reaction I believe...

the media is really scare mongering as media does but at the same time in this day and age of technology we expect and want to be kept informed. Just try and be really rational within yourself...talk yourself down from the panic feelings...

Really try to eat and sleep too!! You need to keep yourself and your immune system healthy, not just for this but for all bugs as we are going into winter and need to look after ourselves even more at this time.

Take care and be calm :hugs:

02-05-09, 04:20
Malv, other than Mexico (which doesn't have the best health care) I am in the second worst place. Nobody in NY is wearing masks or freaking out. We just go on as before but are carrying Purell and using it after touching doorknobs, shopping carts, etc. We're not going to catch it just walking in the street. I don't understand why people are picturing some kind of plague. This is just a type of flu which people get all the time. The students in NY are FINE now. Please try to get these visions out of your head and realize you are very imaginative (we all are here, myself included) but this is not reality. Like everyone says over and over on tv and on this board, there IS treatment if someone does get it. You know the precautions by now so follow them and if it makes you more comfortable, stay away from crowds where people are breathing all over each other.

02-05-09, 04:41
Thanks for the replys.. as far as my family is concerned im not panicing and everything is cool... im coming on here to panic.. i know i must stay strong for my family.. sigh.. i just hope this whole thing passes soon... i dont like it one bit... thanks for the replys guys.. i really do hope those kids in NZ are doing okay.. i havent heard much about it.. poor kids.:weep:

02-05-09, 06:46

02-05-09, 09:06
We have a school near to us that has closed until May 11th because a young girl has been tested positive for swine flu. All the pupils have been given the nessasary drug as a precaution.

The girl had been to Mexico!

I'm not at all worried. Please try and put this out of your mind or you will drive yourself insane.


Trish x

02-05-09, 10:10
We have a school near to us that has closed until May 11th because a young girl has been tested positive for swine flu. All the pupils have been given the nessasary drug as a precaution.

The girl had been to Mexico!

I'm not at all worried. Please try and put this out of your mind or you will drive yourself insane.


Trish x

please tell me the girl has recovered!... have people been recovering from this? ..

02-05-09, 10:58
:hugs: malv, i totally understand how you feel:hugs: bird flu didnt even become a human illness and i still lost the plot a the time, and that went on in the media for a very long time here! there is casue for concern but not in the way you think - you have listened to the media and your anxiety is coming up wiht all sorts of catastophic visions - normal for anxiety sufferers we do this all the time wiht our own partivualr anxiety disorder - me i do it wiht all of them coz ive had them all to one degree or another:wacko:

you may eventually get htis flu - it will take 1-2 years to spread the globe, in which time a vaccination will have been developed - not all the popualtion of the world will be affected - you can pretect yourself by washing your hands and cleaning down your hard surfaces - coz it lives on them for 24 hours. other ppl sneezing and coughing are the prob, but that is the case all the time - thats why germs spread!

it is a mild flu at present, only mexicans have died - thye dont have proper healthcare. our governments i can assure you wont let this becoema prob, all frontline workers - healthcare and transport for exaply will get tamiflu to keep the infrastructure going - thats what they are more concerned with - money!!!! dont worryabout it, ppl will get it, they do every year anyway and vulnerable ppl do die each year anyway. only worry presently if you have been in contact with soemone who has been to mexico, and even then really its not affecting everyone. i would advise you work on your anxiety and catasrophic predictions anyway, i use mindfulness meditation and i have got better - like i said 2 years ago i wa sin a state about somethign that didnt exist, now it does and im okay - btw the experts have seen tha tthis particular flu strain has no elements that cause a dangerous pandemic - its only as powerful as normal flu - take it easy and relax:hugs: