View Full Version : A Newby looking for help

02-05-09, 08:05
Hi Folks,

First time on this type of site and looking for help as my wife of 46 years has just been prescribed Citalopram 20mg

She has only had depression on a couple of times in her life, when she had a misscarrage and when her father died many years ago, but has had a rather intrusive operation recently and despite seeing the surgeon to confirm all is in order due to hypersentivity of the operation area, she has become depressed again

The Dr is very good and took her through a computer based test which confirmed that she was suffering depression and prescrived the 20mg tablets.

The first tablet was on Thursday evening, sice then she has hardly eaten, is extreemly tense and last night was shaking all over and cannot sleep. She feels that she does not want to continue th pills but should she stop and refer to the Dr again

As usual......... sods law ........ when a problem arrises it's usually a week end or like now a bank holiday so no surgery till Tuesday.

Could phone the emergency line but should I?. Very concerned she does not feel like getting up at all and am looking for advise.

Any help please.


02-05-09, 08:44
Thanks Tetley


02-05-09, 17:53
Hello Alex , Welcome to NMP , glad you found the site , try to persuade your wife to eat even just a little and make sure she is drinking enough fluids , i do wish you both the best , take care Dusky :welcome: x

02-05-09, 17:57
When I first went on them my doctor told me to take 1/2 tablet for the first four days. I would just try 1/2 tablet (10mg) for a week and see how she gets on - 20mg seems a bit strong to take for the first time.:huh: I also seemed to lose my appetite when I was first on them. I got round this by having build up or complan milky drinks. I remember my doctor telling me that you can be more anxious on them at first when you start taking them.

Hope your wife is okay.:hugs:

02-05-09, 18:04
hi i am currently taking citalepram 20 mg, have had them few years ago upto 30mg but restarted them only last month. i did feel quite sick and reduced appetite for first couple of weeks but this does pass. its very common for anxiety symptoms to increase before you start to get better. i would try to take them for at least four weeks to give them a chance. good luck!

02-05-09, 18:34
Hi Malcolm,

Welcome to NMP. I have never taken this med but I agree that perhaps you could have the dose until you can get in touch with the GP since another member already did it. I would also try to get her to drink fluids and eat some soup for nutrition.

We have many caregivers on this site as well as suffers. Perhaps when your wife feels better she can also check out he site. Many will understand how she is feeling.

Take care,


02-05-09, 19:49
Hi Malcom

They do take a good few weeks to work and usually you get worse before you start to feel better, if u know what I mean. It would not hurt to phone the emergancy doctor or nhs direct for advice.I hope she feels better, I know how she feels as i felt the same when i first went on my meds.

Hope this helps


02-05-09, 22:04
Hi Malcom

Welcome to the site, sorry I can't help with meds I have never taken them but I am sure you will get some good advice from people who have.

It's good to have you on the site and as Laura said when your wife is feeling better it would be nice to meet her too, I think she would find alot of support on here.

Take care


03-05-09, 00:10
bit rotten goin on a tablet am jist off mine same one it does take bout 6 wks to settle in her system a promise things will get better good luck to u both ;-]