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View Full Version : Anyone else feel this or is it just me?

02-05-09, 10:19
I used to go for a 2 mile walk everyday and sometimes more. Do everything I needed to do no problem. As my anxiety has got worse I find that even a small amount of exertion gets me all shaky, my heart goes off on it's own rhythm or beats really strongly, I feel dizzy, I sweat and feel like I may collapse. Do you think there's something wrong with me or does any one else feel like this? Help!:ohmy:

02-05-09, 10:40
:hugs: no there is nothing wrong this is how constant anxiety makes you feel - you have symptoms, you wory about symptoms they get stronger! and we start questioning everything - should i do this amount of exercise, am i well enough, whats the matter with me and on and on! just keep doing what you were doing before and ignore the thougths that say theres something wrong - there isnt!!!! anxiety disorders make you tired and lethargic, they cock your system up - no wonder we feel sooooo bad!!!!!:hugs:

02-05-09, 10:49
Thank you for replying to me yet again Emma! I will try to keep doing things as you suggest. I think in my head I am telling myself that I am now an invalid and not able to do a lot. I have to keep telling myself that there is nothing wrong with me except chronic anxiety. It's just scary when it involves your heart isn't it? Do you think that the more I do it all these symptoms will lessen?:hugs:

02-05-09, 11:11
I get this alot too, also if i walk i feel that my legs get like "jelly legs" and that my wrists can go numb.

I have done alot of check ups at the doctors and there is nothing wrong with me, "just" the anxiety.
But, the anxiety makes me feel like i am fading away bit by bit.

02-05-09, 11:15
:yesyes: yeah ive woken up with chest pains, and it takes all your energy to remind yourself it isnt something bad to do with your heart - in my case its more to do with the stress i am under at home:lac: :wacko: :weep: dont underestimate how bad anxiety can make you feel - you are not an invalid and our bodies need activity, you will only feel worse if you sit about doing nothign coz you are worried about your heart - infact you are doign more harm to your heart by not doing anything:winks: and yes over time your anxiety will lessen as you come to see, its to with how youthink and feel not actually to do with your physical health:hugs:

03-05-09, 10:19
Thank you all for your replies.
Emma your replies are always so positive and make so much sense. I always feel so much better after I've read what you have to say.
I went out yesterday with my sister and managed to go into a little cafe with her and my mum for lunch and sat and ate a sandwich!:) Then we went for a run in the car later as we had to do cleaning at our local church, then tea at another cafe afterwards!!! I didn't feel wonderful but I did it!:yahoo:
These things sound so trivial to most people as I would have done them all without even giving it a thought before anxiety set in, but I'm sure you all of you on here know how hard it can be to do just normal everyday things.:hugs:

03-05-09, 11:07
:yesyes: well done judy!!!!!! im glad im helping:yesyes: and i agree that ppl on here do understand this situation, how things you once took for granted become really big things and also really hard to do - but the more you do them the easier it gets and soon you will feel back to your old self - it isnt a life sentence:hugs:

Deepest Blue
03-05-09, 13:11
Hey ya MOJO, I know exactly how you feel, it seems like sometimes I lose some strength in my legs and I feel very unbalanced or faint, also my breathing quickens and then I get very teary for no reason at all, it's so strange.

Well done to you for finding the motivation, I wished I could find some too.


Take Care.x