View Full Version : Am I over reacting???

02-05-09, 11:00
Ok I hope this doesnt sound like I am an hypochondriac but yesterday I had a really bad headache & stiff neck, with sickness - maybe its related to taking citalopram?
Today the headache is not so bad, but when I bend down I get the most awful pain in my head - each time I bend down the pain occurs.
My pulse rate which is always low as is my blood pressure is 98 beats per minute. Normally its around the late 50's mark. I feel really shaky.
I am really worrying. I dont want to call NHS direct because they are really busy with all the Swine Flu calls and I dont want to get a doctor out cos I dont think it warrants that.
Does anyone who gets headaches experience the pain in the head when bending down? I never used to get headaches until on citalopram, which is working for me so I dont want to give it up.
Sorry for sounding like I am whinging about nothing but I dont know what to do. I am trying to keep as calm as possible.

02-05-09, 11:06
I have had a severe headache for last 2 days poppy without respite,it was coming from back of head like stabbing pains and would not give me a break at all along with a stiff neck,its a little better this morning but because you also had sickness i would hazard a guess uve maybe a little bug which when i have anything like like my pulse goes way up.
Also i dont know if the weather is responsible but every second person i meet in last few days has a headache so maybe change in pressure out there
Theres also anxiety element that because your anxious about headache maybe pulse is responding to that x

02-05-09, 11:09
:) hey poppy, maybe its a cold/virus not of the swine variety? i have felt ill-ish all week - so i would say its some other virus or sinuses maybe related to hay fever - i know its a prob about the swine flu and not wanting to bother the gps/nhs direct. maybe see how you go until tuesday? but also take into account how bad anxiety can make you feel once you start questioning things like is it the citolapram - all meds come with side effects - thats the prob, but if they are toelrable you just get on with it - you have to decide whether it is side effects and whether you can tolerate them - but yo will ahve to see if it goes first before you can pin it on this particular med, coz it may be a virus/cold/sinus issue:winks:

02-05-09, 11:23
Hi Finny and Emma
Thanks for the reassurance :) and the quick replies. I love having this site to turn to, where others understand. Offline the people I chat with get this look on their faces as if to say 'Oh shes moaning about something else' - So I dont bother talking about things like that to them now.
Thank You again :hugs:

02-05-09, 11:25
Hi Poppy, the fact that the headache gets worse when you bend over makes it sound like sinuses... best to make a GP appointment if its no better by tues as it sounds like a bit of a bug.. I had the worst stabbing headache i've ever had about a week ago, i literally had to hold my head to get some relief. I went to bed and it was alot better and then wore off after a couple of days. Everyone i know has had a bug recently, so i'm putting it down to that.

I know its difficult to not worry, but its important to remember that everyone gets colds and bugs and unexplained aches and pains. Bug hugs xx

02-05-09, 14:36
Hi Poppy

Sounds like sinuses to me too. And the sickness could be a post nasal drip.
There seems to be a lot of pollen around which causes hayfever too.
Maybe try some anti-hystemines or something like sudafed?

Pegs X

02-05-09, 21:54
Thanks everyone for your messages. I still have the headache but dont feel as bad as I did earlier and yesterday. If it continues I will go to see my gp on Wednesday, if I can get in. On Tuesday I am at the hospital to see my kidney consultant. I feel really tired with it - maybe its a virus or sinus problem.
Thanks again for all your help. :)

03-05-09, 15:42
After feeling bad Fri and yesterday, I woke today, had a shower and coughed bright red blood up :( I didnt have a nosebleed and never had a nosebleed before.
I have been out all day, and not in any pain, just dont feel that great - tired, but on citalopram I often feel tired.I still have a bit of a headache but nothing like it was.
I dont smoke or drink and try to be as healthy as possible.
I dont want to call gp because it may be nothing and I dont want to waste his time - will see how it goes. Hopefully it wont happen again.
I dont know if I have sinusitis and have never had it in the past - but it it were would this involve coughing blood? It wasnt lots but definitely there.
I have my kidney consultation on Tues - just hope its not related to my kidney probs.

03-05-09, 16:04
Hi again Poppy

This sounds like sinuses for sure, but have a word with the Doc to put your mind at rest. It can be very painful...almost like getting water up your nose, and the headache can make you rotten. And a bit of bleeding is not uncommon.
Best of luck for Tuesday...remember we're all all rooting for you! I now have two appointments for next week...lung functions on Tuesday and big pre-op assessment on Thursday.
Please let us know how it goes.

Pegs X

03-05-09, 16:34
You have had great advice from here. I just wondered if the headace may be a side effect of the meds you bare taking. I don't know for sure, but it's just a thought. A visit to the doctor will put your mind at rest. You won't have piggy flu. It just been pushed at everybody by the media. Stay calm. Hug

03-05-09, 18:06
Hi Poppy

Just hopefully to reassure you i have exactly the same type of headache as you say and am also on citalopram.

Its not just like a 'usual' headache either. It hurts if i bend down or cough even and seems to be more prominent on one side, this happens most of the time and as you say can sometimes not hurt until i do bend down or cough. It seems to also get really bad when i'm very tired and is often there when i wake up almost like i didnt sleep enough.

I am putting it down to the cit for sure as i have never experienced this kind of head pain before.

Am glad you mentioned it because you have now reassured me thats what this is and hope i have managed to reassure you too :hugs:

Pm me if you like hun.

L x

04-05-09, 17:11
Hi all
Thanks everyone for replying :)
I dont feel so bad today - just tired and look really pale. Have been out most of the day.
Snowdrop - My headaches are exactly as you described - it must be related to taking citalopram.
I have my kidney consultation tomorrow - not looking forward to being in a hospital again :lac:
Bobobob - Thanks for your reply. I am not worried about 'piggy flu' - just worried about the headaches I get. Thankfully today I dont have one!
Thanks Pegs for your reply! I hope everything goes as well as is possible for you at the hospital - will be thinking of you! :yesyes: Let us know how you get on.

05-05-09, 10:34
:) just to say i had sinusitus last year and it wasnt very nice:lac: - but i think you can have probs with sinuses for along long time before they become a problem - i had been tasting blood for a long time on/off before i got sinusitus - now it has returned - maybe once a week, somethign like that, and also my nose has felt swollen on either side, but it hasnt come to anything - however doc told me tasting blood is a sign of infection - so maybe go to docs anyway just to mention this? also sinusitus headaches are usually around your forehead - what type of headache are you suffering?