View Full Version : Am really worried again, panicking

02-05-09, 15:26

I saw a dermatologist on Friday about a mole on my toe. It has always been there, and I do check it fairly regularly.

Well, last week, it part of the dark brown bit had lightened so booked up to see dermatologist, she said it could have regressed, so will take it off.

I went into total panic mode, everything on the internet says regression is to do with melanoma.

I am really scared, going out of my mind, has anyone out there got any advice, or has a similar experience.

Thank you


02-05-09, 16:29

I dont really know anything about moles and stuff but my mother in law had one and the dr said the same thing to her and she had hers removed and apart from having a wierd shaped scar on her arm, she's perfectly fine.

I think if i remember rightly that Jordan (Katie Price) had something similar and we all know she's fine!!!

04-05-09, 18:57

I have a mole on my back that I constantly check and am sure it has changed. My doc said is fine but referred me to a dermatologist. They looked at it and dr said is fine but will remove to be on safe side. I should imagine this is same for u. If they thought anything was seriously wrong they would send u for a biposy first beffore removing it. it iis just a precaution thing if u think it has changed.

Tink xxx