View Full Version : nausea.

02-05-09, 15:50
Whats the longest anyones nausea has gone on for?I have had constant nausea for a month with no let up and starting to worry now as i feel its going on a long time.I am waiting for an endoscopy.I am also burping more after meals and feel like a little food or liquids coming back up.

02-05-09, 16:46
I had nausea and sickness everyday last year for 3 months. I was sick on average twice a day and ended up on a drip and then went onto anti sickness medication. I got told it was anxiety sickness which I never knew existed until then. I was so nauseaus and hardly ate anything which didn't help.
I didn't have the burping - maybe you have acid reflux?
I hope it gets sorted out for you and that you start feeling better soon.
I found that dry crackers helped me a lot with the nausea and bananas too, plus flat coca cola.

02-05-09, 21:41
I get it when im very anxious. try & relax and it will go xx

05-05-09, 00:19
Yup, I had the same thing. You are fine. I would be so bad I would dry heave every day. Try eating Yogurt

13-06-09, 11:08
Hi, just wondered how you are getting on with your nausea? I am suffering exactly the same symptoms at the moment. It is really worrying so afraid I will start being sick and never stop! Did you get any meds for it?

13-06-09, 12:21
I have been feeling sick everyday for over 2 years now, been offered an endoscopy but won't have it because of my fear of being sick. Mine is down to anxiety and until I can control that the nausea won't go