View Full Version : newbie, agoraphobia ruining my life!

02-05-09, 18:18
i am michelle, 26 years old. married and had a gorgeous baby boy in oct 08. i have had a few episodes of depression and anxiety during my late teens/early twenties, but managed to keep on top of things. things have been slowly escalating especially since a traumatic pregnancy but i was coping with everyday things within my comfort zone. however when i tried to return to work after my maternity leave i had a massive panic attack and have become housebound with panic attacks ever since. my gp has started me back on citalepram, which has helped my mood a little but has no impact on the anxiety. refered me to cbt but wont offer it in my home so i am at present unable to access it. gp this week started me on buspirone to help the anxiety, but im just feeling very hopeless about everything at the moment, can't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

02-05-09, 18:39
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I would think having to go back to work after having a baby would be very difficult. Perhaps along with the medication the doctor has given you it might be a good idea to try counseling since this has been an issue before. I personally have had anxiety all my life. Glad you found us, you are not alone!

Take care,


02-05-09, 19:19
Hello Michelle , Welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding members here ,sorry your feeling so low i really do hope you feel abit better soon , if you cant get to cbt let the therapist know , they should be able to come to you , i had one come to visit me until i was recovered enough to go to see her , eventually you will see light at the end of this tunnel you take care , :welcome: Dusky x:hugs:

02-05-09, 20:07
Hi Michelle,
Welcome! Ive only been a member two weeks and this site is brill. Im agoraphobic and have been on and off for over 25 years. I dont have a very supportive husband and felt like I struggled all the time but since coming on here I feel I have great support and have recently managed to get round the block by car and been in my local supermarket...only first aisle but Im workiing on it!
I dont take medication as Im coping without it, but I know by going onto chat here it really helps. If I can beat my fears, and Im such a big coward, you can too. Im sure before long you will be feeling much better. Stay strong, try stop worrying and take one day at a time. If you can get a therapist to visit you at home please let me know, Ive been trying for three years and so far have had no luck.
Best wishes,
Carol xx

05-05-09, 14:02
Hi Michelle, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I have found that reading about the experiences of other people on here and also all the other information has been a great help.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

05-05-09, 21:43
thanks for the replies, i managed to go to the shop today with my husband but couldn't wait to get home. was pleased i'd managed it though. have got someone coming to see me at home next week to 'assess' my needs but said cbt isn't available at home. so have to wait and see.

05-05-09, 23:24
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx