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View Full Version : TMJ Pain in Temples and Jaw

02-05-09, 21:44
I have had a really stressful two days. It started yesterday and the pain is in my temples, top of cheekbone, in front of ear and radiates to my bottom jaw. I feel it in my bottom teeth and chin on the left side. The right side has some pain also but nothing like the left. I have used moist heat, ibuprofen, massage and it just comes and goes. Does anyone else get it the way I describe it and if so, what helps? This is really painful.

02-05-09, 21:49
Hi there Lauren - yes, I do. Don't even know if I have TMJ and was about to post at length about a weird sensation in my neck, behind my eye - in my lower jaw and back of head..... have had it a while now and have been concerned about it for a bit but get scared of posting, who knows why, am better at answering I think! Anyway, what I'm feeling is very similar to what you have just posted... but with the sensation of eye pressure and uncomfortable neck..

Am worried (what a surprise) that I have a blood vessel about to ping in my head/neck - but knowing you have something similar helps - poor you, because it's horrid.... clearly we're both stressed out.... nurofen doesn't touch it for me... don't know about you?


02-05-09, 22:03
Hi Bex, I looked up nurofen and that's the same as our ibuprofen. Well, it may be helping a little but I still feel it. It goes away completely then comes in jabs. I start wondering if it's coming from a tooth but if it were, I'd know it by now because I get this periodically and my dental x-rays show nothing and the teeth not sensitive to tapping, etc.

Do you also feel it in your teeth, upper or lower? I feel it on the end of my chin, the whole facial bone that surrounds the face. I also worry that there is an aorta or something that is about to burst but being that I have had this on and off for years, I don't think so. It's weird, I was on the train before and the minute a bunch of noisy kids got on, the pain started up again. My stomach can react in a flash from anxiety but can this, the head and jaw? I hope that's all it is and I really don't want to start with cat scans because I just had one for something else and it's a lot of radiation. I guess I just want reassurance that other people have it like I feel it now. Have you tried moist heat? By the way, my neck on that side is a bit sore too. It's probably all related.

03-05-09, 19:49
Hi I to have this, Have been suffering for years, even been in hospital as the pain was so bad and dizzyness nearly caused an accident on the motor way.
I have been having physio and have had a mouth guard made, do u have any of these? One of the most useful exercises she gave me was (wait for it, sounds weird but truly works)....Put ur middle finger of your left hand above the teeth, on the gum, into your right side of your mouth, push hard until the pain release - it will be very sore but this will release the tight muscle, keep doing this twice a day and do the same on the other side, i cannot tell u the releif i felt after only 2 days.

I get horrific pain over the top of my head, cheak bones, bottom jaw, inside my ears, jaw line, neck, shoulders, back, arms - everywhere. Its awful and i feel for you. I have been doing the exercises and drinking water every day for ages and i am now so different to where i was this time last year.

I hope it works for you, please feel free to PM me anytime.

Take care.

Karen xx

03-05-09, 23:02
Hi Lauren and Karen,

Don't have the pain in my teeth so much - but my temple and eye feel weird and my neck.... and the side of my face.... really strange and alarming actually... Karen, do you get any trouble with your eye on the side of the pain/sensations?

Lauren - you could have MRI's (if your doc will refer you for one) as they don't use radiation....

I just wish I knew how to get rid of it.... maybe and Osteopath or chiropractor? What do you think...

03-05-09, 23:28
Lauren, after recently having some work done at the dentist, I got this really badly afterwards. at the time of tooth needing to be done it was exactly as you describe, cheekbone, jaw, temple pain and even into my ear weirdly. Apparently, the prob with feeling it in my ear is from a wisdom tooth that has to be taken out. The pains in my temple on one side only were horrendous for about a week and half afterwards, really frightened me but was told it was probably nerve pain. Do you ladies clench your teeth? could be a possible cause.

04-05-09, 00:15
I am planning to get a mouth guard but am having dental work done and have to wait for it to be finished, otherwise they'd have to make a new guard. As far as an MRI, that's an idea. I have had various dental and head pains for the past 15 years.

Mummyto4, what tooth was done that left you in pain afterwards? Which wisdom tooth has to come out? I do clench my teeth, I wake up in the middle of the night and catch myself doing it. I slept well last night and the stressful stuff from the last 3 days was over so today was pretty pain free. I also get it in the ear and that hurts like a monster too! I can manage this pain but since it radiates to my teeth, I worry that it's a toothache (my biggest fear).

04-05-09, 00:53
Lauren, the tooth I had repaired was top tooth, next to front tooth, it had cracked on the inside by the roof of my mouth. I remember crying and saying to my husband, the pain in my cheekbone and temple are terrible. Then the nerve pains for over a week later in my temple were unbearable but nothing would shift the pain. The wisdom tooth that causes ear pain is bottom right hand side. The dentist said the tooth was rotten but he did say that it was no fault of mine as they are impossible to get to with a tooth brush so it has to come out, but I couldn't work out whether the pain was in my ear, my face or my tooth it just ached constantly.

04-05-09, 11:43

My eye sometimes feels bruised to move it, and when i was really struggling, it felt lke my eye was popping out.
As for my temples.....my gosh, they felt like i had rods in them.

When i suggested the mouth in the muth, i meant push on top of the teeth, the smooth gum part thats above ur tooth line.

Please try it, it could work.
Karen xx

14-05-09, 11:17
TMJ disorder can be easily cured by the dental treatments and the tmj disorder device.

13-05-16, 06:04
My friend seems to be having a problem like this. She try and close her mouth but her jaw just shakes like she can't close it. Last night she did it and I opened her mouth and with my thumb put a little pressure on the joints where her jaws connect and that seemed to work. She was able to shut her mouth after I did that.Then i call Davie Orthodontist and they examine the problem and give some medication and now she feels well.