View Full Version : Very new to this...maybe someone can help?

02-05-09, 22:24
Hi all,

Dont know if anyone can help or at least make some sense of this...

Where to begin, firstly I began to experience strange symptoms a few months after my child was born, I began to get a tingling sensation in my leg, then weakness in my leg and burning in my knees, anyway the symptoms began to get worse I started to feel fatigued and just focused on my health. I went to my GP who referred me to a neurologist who then ran loads of tests on me including a couple of MRI scans as I was then convinced I had MS. All the tests came back fine and after being gievn a drug for nerve pain began to recover (however it did take a couple of months).

Which brings me to now, the same symptoms have appeared and have now again convinced myself I have MS as sometimes the tests do not pick it up. I am totally obsessed with this, have no energy, feel totally weak my legs are burning and twitching and I just cannot drag myself out of it because the physical symptoms are always there. My GP has suggested it is a stress/anxiety problem so that's why I'm here, does anyone think that such horrible physical symptoms can be due to anxiety and why, also if they are how on earth do I get rid of it if it's constantly 'there' and ruining my life?

I feel like a bit of a freak as I thought that stress/anxiety was all in the head and could not create this! Where do I begin if this is anxiety esp when I have totally convinced myself that it is something more?

Thanks in advance,
a very frightened and confused

02-05-09, 22:55
Solly Hi, I can understand that you are frightened and confused. Anxiety is a curse. You more than likley do not have MS, It's amazing how the brain works. Others here wiser than me will give you good advise. I can only send you support and wish you calm thoughts. Calm is the start.

02-05-09, 23:00
Hi solly

A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way

check out the menu on the left it contains loads of information to help you understand and keep posting on the forums and we'll help you out all we can.

best wishes

di xx

03-05-09, 00:11
Hello Solly , Welcome to NMP , lots of advice support and understanding , glad you found the site , you could ask your gp about coucelling for your Anxiety, and you will get good advice here , take care :welcome: Dusky x

03-05-09, 04:46
Hi Solly,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. If you went to a Neurologist before and they gave meds for nerve pain I would go back to the same doctor. I also do not believe you have MS but you could at least get the nerve pain looked at again. You are not alone in feeling this way and I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


03-05-09, 09:42
Hi Solly

I think you should go to docs and ask for counselling. I have started CBT which is really helping me with anxiety. I have had symtpoms of MS with anxiety (burning sensations, numbness and pins and needles). Also had MRI scan and was clear. Neurologist even before MRI said was anxiety. U can get yourself in avery viscous circle. U get symptoms, makes u anxious and symptoms get worse. CBT will really help to break the cycle.
I have been reading Dr Claire Weeks book too which is helping to make ense of it all.
Take care
Tink xxx

04-05-09, 20:32
Thanks to you all,
I am so glad I found this site and that others have experienced similar!!


04-05-09, 23:15
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx
