View Full Version : Parents gone for the week...I should be thrilled, not nervous..

02-05-09, 23:08
My parents are going on a cruise for the next week. any 15 year olds fantasy, right? well not for me.
I am having anxiety/panic attacks.
I tried to talk to them last night, and they were comforting me.
I guess mainly i was worried about there flight, because ive been hearing alot about plane crashes.
I kept having thoughts like oh no this might be the last time i see them!!
When we dropped them off at the airport i somehow was able to bury the panic attack/tears that were about to explode. I didnt want them to worry, too. I almost lost it, but somehow was able to bury my worries deep down.
That was this morning. I was able to keep my mind off it until now.
Im hyperventilating and having anxiety attacks. Im so scared.
What if they get sick or something happens to them. What if i get sick! What if they get the swine flu and they cant take care off them on the boat. What if i get the swine flu!!
I wish they hadnt left :'[. But i would never tell them that.
Im 15 for petes sake. I should care. I shouldnt be like a little 2 year old crying for there mommy and daddy.
But im worried.
How am i going to be able to get through the week without them!
if i get sick, no one can come get me from school. Well my grandpa can, but its not like he has his cell on EVER!
And of course, im worried that i might get a stomach bug. Stupid Emmetaphobia. I know i cant get through that without them
And what if i get a huge panic attack! I can let my bro or grandpa see me like that! they wont know what to do!
Help please. words of encouragement please :'[

03-05-09, 00:00
As hard as it is. you have to tell yourself they will be okay.

Flying is the safest way of transport in the WORLD! the ods are in their favour babe. i've just turned 16 and my parents went away for the weekend once and i felt exactily how you felt.

The more you think you might have a huge panic attack the more it is going to play on your mind. Just remember that they wont kill you, their a horrible experience but they will not kill you.

If you need someone during the week then talk to me.
i check this every day so i will always reply to you
let me know how this week goes.

Well done for burrying your emotions at the airport, that shows you can control them and not let them control you, thats really strong.

Well done hun,
best wishes and take care.
Remember to message me

03-05-09, 00:26

im 25 & i still get like this when my mum goes away! its because they make us feel safe. They will be fine my love, just be strong and take one day at a time.... they will be back before u know it, keep yourself busy and plan lots to do with friends etc.

You can do it


03-05-09, 00:44
you will be fine hun, so will your family. remember they are ur mum and dad and can look after themselves better than we can. try to relax and enjoy your week, im sure your mum as talked to your bro and grampa about ur panic attacks, so if you have one just tell them to chill and help you through it, but im sure you will be fine.
take care x