View Full Version : Hello!

03-05-09, 07:44
Hello everyone! Funny thing happened this evening... I was looking online doing exactly what this website tells me not to do - panicking - when I found this website! And I couldn't help but smile a little smile at the irony of it all.

A bit about myself... let's see. I am 20, female, and from the US. I have health anxiety, and have for, well, as long as I can really remember. I had a VSD when I was born and had open heart surgery when I was young, so naturally most of my anxiety and "potential issues" are centered around my heart or general chest area. I have been cleared medically since my surgery for a number of years and last year after having some kind of gastro-intestinal something or other (which apparently feels just like a heart attack, which is what I thought it was... big surprise, I'm sure!) I had my heart checked out to ensure it had nothing to do with that, and my heart was fine. They said my heartrate was a little fast, but nothing more than that. I had all sorts of machines and x-rays and what not, though, so I figured if there was anything there, they would have noticed.

Anywho, I have noticed I spend a lot of my time when I am sitting around wondering what serious, fatal, rare, uncommon, or any mix of the above disease or disorder I may have, I find I keep my middle and index finger pressed safely to my neck to feel my pulse, just to ensure it is regular, or at least regular-ish. After reading several forum posts and things along the left side of the bar, I came to the conclusion that this place was for me. I have anxiety attacks of the worst kind, and some of these posts have already calmed me down immensly about what it is that I am currently stressing over, even though I know I shouldn't be.

It's a pleasure to make your aquaintance(s), and I hope that you all have a wonderful day/midday/night/whatever time it is wherever you happen to be.

-- phoenix :flowers:

03-05-09, 08:31
Hi Phoenix,

A huge warm welcome to nmp

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way
There are lots here that suffer and understand how you are feeling so keep posting on the forum and we'll help you out all we can.

best wishes

di xx

03-05-09, 08:32
Hi Phoenix,

you have come to the right place. This site is good for letting your fears out & learning that you are not alone in all of this.

We can learn to be happy & calm with practice, patience & time, the healer of all things.


03-05-09, 09:09
hello I just joined no more panic. Iam 28 and I get panic attacks and Anxiety attacks of the worse kind. and to day i was having a real bad panick attack and then I found nmp.
and its really nice to make your aquaintences.
enjoy ther rest of your day/afternoon/night.
whaterver time it maybe where you are.

03-05-09, 13:46
Hello phoenix, Welcome to NMP, lots of help advice and understanding members , glad you found the site , take care:welcome: Dusky x

03-05-09, 15:06
Hi Phoenix,
Huge welcome to NMP. There are lots of lovely people and great support here.. I haven't been here for that long, but it has helped me so much in my recovery. Hope to catch up with you around the forum.

Starlight xx

03-05-09, 18:03
Hi Phoenix,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,
