View Full Version : Lumps and bumps under tongue... and other mouth woes

03-05-09, 10:50
So for the last, I'd say, month or so, I have noticed these little bumps under my tongue. There are maybe 4 of them, most of them on the left side (those ones being smaller and hardish feeling, and the one on the right being a little bit bigger, it feels like it is right on the right-side flap thing that goes horizontally across each side of the under-tongue (if you can call it that).

They are making me panic, and making me keep continuously thinking about the C word.

I am not nor have I ever been a smoker, and I don't drink. I am already paranoid enough without having to worry about *those* C issues! They are just these hard little bumps under my tongue, with the exception of the bigger one that feels, well, just bigger and more there. I don't know if they have always been there, but I just started noticing them.

The other thing that is making me thing oral C is that I am a habitual cheek-chewer, as it's just kind of one of my nervous habits. I end up with scar-tissue like things going on in lines inside my cheek, and I bite my lip in nearly the same way, which leaves me waking up with almost a white trail of dead skin on my lower lip. Although I know it's just dead skin that I have probably bitten in my sleep, it still scares me... because it could be something else, maybe. I have read (big surprise) that you can get cheek-C or lip-C from biting your lip as it changes the genetic makeup of the cells over time when you are constantly causing them to re-form. How long does that take? How can I stop biting my cheek to avoid getting this type of deal going on? It just scares me to think I am doing it to myself and unable to stop.

Does anyone else have bumps under their tongues? Or lumps? Is this the ever dreaded C word? They aren't red or white bumps like the pictures I have seen have been... they are pink like the rest of the underside of my tongue. I would go to my Dr. to get it checked out, but I am super terrified of the Dr. and don't go unless I absolutely *have* to... and going to the dentist, well, that just isn't going to happen as I am absolutely beyond terrified of that place and refuse to go under basically most circumstances... *shudders*