View Full Version : Appendicitis?? Dont want to google!

03-05-09, 11:54
Hi all

I woke up last night at 2am with the most horrific pain in my lower right side, right down below my hip bone. I couldn't move the pain was so bad. I managed to hop to the bathroom but the pain was SO bad it took me ages to even have a wee (sorry if tmi!)

Anyways i got back into bed and the pain went pretty much as quickly as it came, never felt anything like it before. So i then proceeded to have a panic attack because it scared me so much and my biggest worry was that i live alone with my 2 kids and what would i do if i needed to call an ambulance. So in the dark in the middle of the night i was scared out of my wits, it was horrible.

So i am wondering could this be the start of appendicitis? anyone ever had it before?? I dont want to google as i will end up with ovarian cancer and really dont want that today.

Any help really appreciated.

Lou x

03-05-09, 11:55
Do you have the pain now?

Appendicitis is pretty much a constant state of pain/discomfort/sickness. From all accounts, you feel really ill with it, and can't bear your tummy to be prodded.

If you still feel in pain, why not call NHS direct?

But if its gone, I doubt its appendicitis.

03-05-09, 13:24
Is there a neighbor/relative that would watch your children if you ever did have an emergency? While you're feeling good it would be great to get that taken care of, to always know there's someone you could call.

With appendicitis, one of the signs is called rebound pain. This means when you press, it hurts more when you release your hand. The other test you can do at home is stand up straight, get on your toes, then drop your heels real quick. If it hurts in that spot, there is a chance of it being your appendix. The drs. also do a pinch test, they pinch he skin right above the appendix and if it hurts upon release, it may be that. Hope this doesn't all scare you, since you didn't google but it is important that you get help if this is what it may be.

With women, a tubal infection can mimic appendicitis. The cervix would hurt a lot if you (or a doctor) put their finger on it with a pelvic exam. With appendicitis, you may have a low grade fever, usually unable to pass gas, sometimes constipated and generally feeling sick, no appetite, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Like the previous poster said, them pain is constant. I have not had this but yesterday had the same pain as you but had terrible gas. I slept fine and it is gone. I get this every now and then and I also freak out totally. Please post and let us know how you feel now. Is it gas? Could you be ovulating? That can occur as you probably know.

04-05-09, 09:49
I had appendicitis last Summer and Lauren is totally right when she talks about the rebound pain and that is something that Dr's do to check if you have it. When I had mine it started as what I thought was a stomach bug as I had really bad pains and kept being sick. It was only when the symptoms hadn't gone after 3 days that I went to A&E and was diagnosed with appendicitis. My pain was all over my lower abdomen and didn't settle in the right hand corner for a few days. I totally concur with what has already been said about it being very painful though and from what I remember you can have a fever with it too.

04-05-09, 10:00
hey snow sorry ur are feeling rubbish i was thinking a urine infection especilly when u have trouble having a pee.

it can also cause burning and sore tummy as well.

if u are really concered phone ur doc