View Full Version : not enough sleep

03-05-09, 14:24
could not enough sleep cause me to feel anxiety and panic attack, like head, brain cant work, like zombie walking, when i sleep at 11pm or 12am, then igot to wake up at 6.00am to send my kids to school and off to work from there , then at work i always feel very very sleepy, tired and suddenly always i feel the panic attack when i go out for lunch or go shopping during that lunch time, that is where the attack always appear, could it be becos of not enough sleep. if i sleep at 11pm or 12am and wake up at 6am is it considered as not enough sleep? sometimes i am hving bad dreams or can't breathe or can't sleep at night, could tht contribute to my panic attack or anxiety, fuzzy brain, forget things so easily, feeling lost,esp in crowded places, feeling so so confuse and forgetful. is that all becos of not enough sleep?
or could it be becos of hormone imablance, now i am having bad hormone imbalance, having very bad heavy bleeding for 2weeks but i am on hormone tablets: Norethistone tablets. pls help, i am still wanting to get cured seem no doctor can help me, they keep on giving me xanax or librax to make me sleep at night, but i don't kloke it.