View Full Version : panic atack, anxeity

03-05-09, 14:33
a friend told me to take this panic attack, anxeity seriously, she said i am considered as mentally sick person, i can get admitted to mental instituion if i don;t cure myself. is it true, but i don't want this, it just happen. do anybody know what contribute to our problem. for my case could it be my childhood experience and always being bullied by people around me and being builled and shouted at by my workplace bullly, and i never know how to defend or fight back, i always keep quiet and feel hurt quietly.could all this contribute to this madness?how to cure myself?

05-05-09, 18:51
Bottom line -

Your friend is an idiot. Sorry to say that - but unless your panic problems are so severe that you cannot function on your own (such as being able to feed yourself, etc) you are in no danger of being institutionalized.

I know plenty of folks who are dealing with panic and anxiety issues. I recently decided (after a long period of denial and negative medical tests) that I am a sufferer also.

I wish you the best.

- Josh

05-05-09, 21:08

You are not sufferring with madness you have anixiety which many many people have. I have sufferred with anxiety for many years, sometimes severe and sometimes mild but I have never lost control and never considered myself mad or in need of an instituation. Anxiety can be cured, we have to find ways of controlling it and reducing the anxiety to more realistic levels and trust me this can be done. I managed to get mine under control by reading and learning from a book by Dr. Claire Weekes called Self Help For Your Nerves it really did help me to understand what was happening and the more understanding I had the easier it was to reduce the anxiety.

Take no notice of your friend she doesn't know what she is talking about.

Hope you feel better soon.


08-05-09, 15:05
Like the others have said, you aren;t mad and you can't get institutionalised for not getting help or "curing" yourself, your friend is talking rubbish.
I've got loads of mental health problems including social phobia, agoraphobia and ocd, my doctor knows i'm not taking meds or getting proffesional help, she just told me to let her know if i wanted to try therapy again.

You do whats right for you:hugs:

09-05-09, 02:44
this mornng i wake up chest pain, so tight feeling, and drowsy, headache still hrere, dizzy, light headed feeling again hate this, eye also blury and tired. why: so hatefu, early in morning, like cannot face the world today. just want to sleep and stay at home tdy, so scared to go out. scared to go anywhere. maybe last night i eat oily stuff now chest all pain.

10-05-09, 06:38
today 10.5.09 dont' know wht i did wrong last night, ok this morning wake up with drowsy, light headed severe headache, heart beating fast feeling, and eyes can't open or can't focus, and very sleepy kind of eye discomfort., just feel like not waking up and slep again, but can't do we really have topush myself to wake up everyday, everyday is like can't move or wake up, feel so terribly and lack of energy lack of life. why? so sickly feling, of headache and light headed.every day i keep on thinking of when can i stop working, i hate my job i feel so stress of my job,it sick me to think that tomorow i hv to go back to work, it driving me crazy to look meet all the toxic people there. i can't handle myself or them any longer, my brain felt like burstling and so so mad. i don't know why nowadays i am in full temper, i got angry very very easily, i got irritated very easy, i even scolded my child for no reason, i feel so hot inside and very not in peace, i keep scolding at my famly member, before i am not like this. am i mad?

11-05-09, 02:14
i am so so sick of having to come to work, i hate my work and people here, it make me no peace every minute, i feel like rnning away, but i can't . i am so stress, suffering n sick here.

11-05-09, 06:06
i don't understand why when i am outside, say during office hours working, when i walk or look at people, i feel so so scared, and my heart start beating, and when i see alot of ppl rushing i am so scared, it make my heart baeat so fast and i feel like so drowsy, sleepy, scared, worried panic and wanting to faint. why?

11-05-09, 06:07
how ever can ibe normal again?

11-05-09, 06:54
Hi Alba,

sorry your feeling so lousy, but most of us know how u feel or have felt that way at some point or another. Your friend hasnt really helped you by telling you that you can be committed into a mental institute, that really is unlikey to happen. It does get better through time, you will also find this . Maybe a trip to see your doctor, medication helps a lot of people.

Feel better soon.

take care

sharon x