View Full Version : acid reflux

03-05-09, 16:19
hi all
ive had a rough week and not coping well at all with anx and acid reflux
had reflux for 4 months and been on lansoprazole 15mg now docs have put me on 30mg and if this doesnt wrok got to have tests which im really worried about
the anx has caused me to have hardly any appetite for the last year and this lead to the acid reflux i still dont feel like eating much but i know i need to eat little and often to help the reflux but most of the time just dont feel like it at all so that isnt helping
im so worried that i may have to have tests and there is something really wrong with me
i feel so lost at the moment and dont know what to do just totally sick of it all
really need some help
oh and im on 10mg citalopram too

03-05-09, 16:40
wish you better

03-05-09, 16:40
Hello. I feel for you. It must be awfull and going on such a long time. I have no answer but eating must help. Its best to get these test done then you will know for sure. Tell the Dr. about the meds if you feel uncomfortable with them. I send you my support and will be thinking of you. Best.

03-05-09, 16:52
hello smiths.. please don't worry as i suffer from the same as you exactly..i am on the same meds as well..i have even been to the hospital as an emergency regarding this as i coudnt stop being sick..acid burning..it is due to our anxiety..i have been taking complan and build up..which is good since we havent any appetite..you can mix with milk or water..i find mine getting worse when i panic..or very anxious..it will get better..they will probably test to see if you have an ulcer which consists of a blood test..so you will be ok..ive had this for a long time..feel free to pm me if you like..take care..x

03-05-09, 16:55
It's a vicious circle. The anxiety may have caused the acid reflux but the acid reflux definitely causes a lack of appetite. I had the reflux which was caused by a sinus problem and while i had it i could hardly eat anything. I was put on zantac which helped the reflux and allowed me to get my appetite back. Eating little and often is good, it's important not to let your stomach get empty. You have to go back to your doc and get them to sort the acid problem out, because until that's done you won't be able to eat normally.


04-05-09, 00:19
Hi there. I hope you feel better soon.

I have the same problem, but when I have a flare up, I always make sure I eat something, even if it is only something tiny, every 1-2 hours. It makes it worse the emptier your stomach is. Do you have someone who can help you to eat at these times, like a support system? That helps me because I know what a struggle it is to eat when you aren't feeling like it.

04-05-09, 14:20
thanks guys for all the messages
so today i had my meds then had cereal and it was ok then about an hour after had a sandwich and its gone really bad again i cant win if i dont eat its bad if i do its bad :(