View Full Version : Hey all, (Heart problems!)

03-05-09, 20:18
Hey all, I'm new on this site =)

Basically I am 20years old and have suffered from "Sinus Tachycardia" for just over a year now.

If you don't know what it is, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinus_tachycardia

So this all started last year, round about May time. My cousin died a very horrible way which totally upset me. I'm still not over it. So in may my heart felt like it was going really really fast and lots of times it felt like it was going to pump out of my body!

So I went to see the doctor, but every time I went they could not find anything wrong (its always the way!!) So finally one doctor referred me to a cardiologist. He neither could not find anything wrong with me. So this happened throughout the year. Until December when I was rushed into hospital. This flu attacked my body in hours. My heart THEN beated so fast I could not count the beats. The doctor told me if my heart did race to dial 999 because in the ambulance they have ECG monitor. So the ambulance got here and my heart was beating 178 bpm!!!

Ok so long story short. I was in hospital during the night and while I was asleep my heart rate went back to 80-90bpm. At first they said it was superventricliar tachycardia. Then said it was Sinus. The cardiologist said the reason why I get pulpatations and rapid heart beat is due to stress, anxiety and tooooooo much caffine (Caffene free for a year now!)

I am still worried about my heart because every so often my heart thuds and then it adds an extra heart beat. Lots of times I get chest pains and pains down my left arm. The doc said its nothing to worry about.

I was just wondering if anyone suffers from the same thing?

PHEW, ok thats about it.

Thanks all :)