View Full Version : Terrified about lung cancer - Vibration below ribs

03-05-09, 20:59
Please can someone try and put my mind at rest. I have had a weird buzzing sensation on the lower left and center of my ribs now for about 5 weeks. It is more pronounced when I exhale. I went to the doctors about a month ago and told her about it and she checked my chest with a stethescope and told me my lungs sounded just fine so maybe it was a nerve.

About 2 weeks after my doctors appointment, I caught a virus off my dad. It began with a sore throat. It then progressed to tonsillitis, conjunctivitis and then a bad sinus infection. I took over the counter decongestants and painkillers and got rid of my tonsillitis, but the mucus had laid so heavy on my chest and dehydrated my throat that it developed into a really persistent cough and an ulcerated tongue. Within two weeks it was almost completely gone except for a bit of a cough and a really dry and ulcerated throat.

I called the doctor and he told me over the phone I needed to take antibiotics to get rid of it completely. My sinuses completely cleared and all ulceration went down. It has now been two days since my last tablet.

The vibration in my chest is still there. I still have a slight cough and my chest still feels quite tight.

The vibration or buzzing sensation is driving me wild with health anxiety as Im terrified it could be undiagnosed lung cancer. I am afraid to push my doc for further tests because they say there is nothing there and I think unnecessary testing could make my anxiety go off the scale for fear of results as my mum had breast cancer and all her results were bad news.

I still have some mucus on my chest but the vibrating was there before my chest infection so im sure that it still wont show up if i get her to check my lungs again.

I was a light smoker for about 5 years. I quit last November. I am 31 years old and apart from iron deficiency I am otherwise a healthy person. I do not know the symptoms of lung cancer and I am too scared to look, but can anybody reassure me that if it was something sinister I would be showing something worse than I am.... I dont know, im just so scared. Please somebody help me. I dont want my anxiety to rocket from looking up the wrong info on google as ive banned myself from looking, but can anyone tell me if they think I should be worrying? Please dont scare me... im really fragile.

What can cause this buzzing? Would a gp be able to tell if it was something sinister just from listening to my chest? Please someone reassure me... Im beginning to freak out. x

04-05-09, 09:22
Hi I came on here this morning ready to post because I have a HA , I hope !!, Problem but when I saw your post I had to reply as it brought back so many memories for me, I have had HA for 23 years and I too have had very very similar 'symptoms' as you have, difference is I am much older and a smoker, so I had even more reason to fear what you fear. All I can say is I have had three awesome Doctors over the years and all have been ready to sit and talk to me, what I have come to realise is this, If they thought for a second there was a problem especially a serious one like Lung cancer, your feet wouldnt touch the ground, you would have the tests x rays etc etc because they know that early detection is always best, SO my point is this, if you have seen the Doc Before you had the Sore throat etc about this buzzing, I called my sound when I had it a rattle, abd you Doc has listened and taken note of what you have said and then let you go without even suggesting some tests, he/she has to be damn sure there is nothing wrong. These people see cancer on a weekly if not daily basis, they know what to look for , they see it early and late, they see early cancer and diagnose it. I wasnt there in the surgery with you, but looking at what you have said, IF there was a remote chance the buzzing was serious I think it is safe to say you would have been asked to go for more tests. Thing is about sounds / feelings like this is once heard / felt you really can tune in and it is there all the time, which in some cases it might have been any way, but once tuned in it is loud and proud and there to be noticed. I have a Heart Beat sound at the moment in my head, it went away for a while but now because of another HA related, I hope !!, Problem the sound is back, it has always been there. I want to offer my sympothys for your HA I know how frightening it can be, but trust the Doc, even if you trust them because they dont want to be sued, but as I say, these people are Professionals they see this all day every day and if they thought for a second it was anything serious, Whoosh off you go for tests. One more thing, if you went through that Throat thing, Cough etc etdc It really would have been worse and lasted longer and would have left a lot more behind if you had Cancer, only my opinion as a layman but think about it, cancer takes a lot from you and recovery from any other illness is long and arduous, I know because my dada does have cancer and it isnt the cancer that is affecting his general health it is everything else. I ramble, Bottom line? I have had sounds and vibrations, I have seen Docs and trusted them when they said it was NOT cancer, that was about 15 years ago, I am still here!!.

04-05-09, 10:25
Xfilm, Hi, You must go back to your doctor and let him know how worried you are about this. I'm sure he will be more understanding once he realises how it is affecting you. I would very much doubt you have cancer but you need to get it checked as it is bothering you so much. I wish you well

04-05-09, 11:19
Many thanks for your reassurance Chrismascray (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=18166)... I know you talk sense. Last night I called NHS direct and explained everything to them and just like you, she spent most of her time reassuring me that Im displaying no symptoms that would indicate lung cancer as they would be far more pronounced. I have had two professionals now telling me it is more likely muscle twitches caused by my anxiety and I guess I really should start believing them. It is coincidence I guess that I had a virus and my chest is still tight. Im probably a little more concerned than I should be, but I think it is being fuelled by the fact that in two weeks I am walking cross country 26.5 miles for charity. This year I will not have family accompanying me... or friends and the walk is very isolated from traffic and support as most is by fields and cliffs. Part ofme is concerned I will have a problem with my luings and not know what to do... but I guess so long as I dont die in the process it could be a really good confidence builder :P. Anyway, I shall try and be a little more rational about it all and see what happens. Thanks again, your words have been a great help. x

04-05-09, 11:49
Hi xfilme

I have sent you a PM...but this sounds just like a chest infection.

Pegs X