View Full Version : pins and needles in hands

03-05-09, 21:10
I've been having pins and needles in my hands on and off for the past month - its worse when i use the keyboard , think it might be carpal tunnel syndrome but feel scared to go the see Gp, there always seems to be something wrong with me..
Also have pins and needles in foot , but not sure whats causing this.
So fed up with always feeling ill and worrying all the time !!

03-05-09, 22:23
I am having a similar problem that comes and goes more so in my right hand and mainly in only a few fingers. I get some pain too but i am afraid to go to my GP. Good luck

04-05-09, 09:29
I have that too, although a lot of the time it's more like a tingle than pins and needles. It's mainly in my hands, which I have often put down to using the keyboard way too much, however I do get it in my feet a bit too. I have read that anxiety can cause it so I'm trying not to worry about it too much.

04-05-09, 10:29
im getting it 2 in hands and feet could it be an allover thing or anxiety

04-05-09, 10:43
pb. hi, Please go to your gp and find out. The symptoms can be treated. You won't be worried. It may be something simple that you hadn't thought of. After all that is what your gp is for. I send you my support and a hug