View Full Version : memory/ confusion?????................

03-05-09, 23:27
A few times I've woke up, or just even lay there for a few minutes maybe in a day dream and I woke up and didn't know where the hec I was and get scared for a few minutes. And I'm in my own bedroom does that make sense.
I was in work today and talking to some people and I thought gos I bet its nice to be normal and comfortable in your own mind and body, why do I think like this?
And I think what if I just start screaming by here and holding my head like I'm mad, what if I just shout something and don't mean to. I've been feeling loads better lately still have a lot of stress due to sick pay etc, and now back in work.
I get confused sometimes like your really concentrating on something and can't take new info in and I ack all flustered, like I was so flustered today I could pick my bag up couldn't concentrate on just picking the handles up..
I'm I nuts, when anxiety kicks in its like something in my head will switch and I become confused thinks silly things, horrible thoughts etc.
I just can't understand this. This will probably be confusing for people to read I'm sorry but I'm confused myself. Can anyone shed some light on my messed up head.

03-05-09, 23:41
Yep, I have felt like this! what you said about the people being comfortable in their mind I think of as 'having peace of mind' something which anxiety steals away from us. I so want my peace of mind back instead of worry worry worry. I remember a time when I used to go to bed at 9 and just lay there in the dark and be comfortable to just lay there waiting to drift off, I couldn't do that now, too much goes through my mind, I go to sleep when I am absolutely shattered. As for the shouting stuff out, I have felt this also, strange actually because I kind of put it down to getting older and just saying more of whats on your mind. My mom tends to just say random stuff and couldn't care less what people think of her and I have said to her, you shouldn't be saying stuff like that and she just says, If I have to worry about it now then I may as well give up. I think I may be following in her footsteps! I think anxiety makes us analyse everything a bit much and things we wouldn't normal give two hoots about, play on a mind and blow it out of proportion. It does sound like typical anxiety to me, with prob a bit of stress too maybe.
Take care

04-05-09, 19:43
i was driving home from work i had to stop and keep going, my legs went like jelly and dizzy really light headed can just about walk. i had a bath but now i feel so weak and light headed ive had a sandwich today and now making a jacket potatoe. but i can just about lift my head up. anyone been like this. i feel faint what shall i do?

04-05-09, 20:04
It just sounds like symptoms of anxiety to me. I know when I have a bath I feel really faint and lightheaded afterwards. I love them but try to stick to showers as baths always have this effect on me.
I'm sure you will be okay. Eat your dinner and try to relax (easier said than done I know!)
As for the thing about the switch in your head going on when your anxiety starts, I think I know just what you mean. I suddenly have this strange feeling almost like a click and all the funny thoughts start and the feeling that I'm going to go over the edge into something. I don't even know what...
These feelings we get with panic/anxiety are so horrible aren't they? Sometimes I think I must have experienced every symptom there is and then like magic a new one appears and frightens me all over again!
Hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

04-05-09, 20:34
hi judy i agree these anxiety symtoms are so bad. i went bad driving home thats why i had a bath. i think it was from being back in work it getting hard for my body to use to going back, im so tired and run down from being back in work i just hope i can cope.

04-05-09, 20:47
I'm sure being back in work is making you tired if you havn't been there for a while. It will probably take a while to settle down again. Are you eating properly? If not, I know that can affect your stamina and your anxiety. Do you sleep at night? You also need to be rested enough to work the next day.

04-05-09, 21:11
yeah i had a a sandwich and tea in work and just had a jacket potatoe, but not eating up really yesterday i had a salad in work and two wraps of sald when i got home. do you think thats what it could be. i slept from about 2am last night then woke up about 10 with my alarm to get up ive been feeling tired all day. then towards the the end really bad. im coming around a bit now i should get my eyes tested soon.

04-05-09, 21:22
It doesn't sound like you always eat huge amounts, so that won't help your tiredness. Do you eat before you leave the house to go to work? You really need something to give you energy before you go out. Also, You maybe should try going to bed a bit earlier, but getting up a bit earlier too. Try and stick to a regular bedtime. I think 2 a.m. sounds too late. Could you sleep earlier than that? I know you had 8 hrs. sleep but i think you should bring that 8 hrs. forward a bit.
Remember anxiety makes us very tired too.

04-05-09, 21:47
i do try to sleep ealier im on sleeping tablets but still cant sleep i went to bed at 10 last night but couldnt sleep cause my breathing goes bad and i try to contol it. so i use distraction play on my phone etc till im calm enough to eventually sleep. i dont eat in the mornings im not hungry just a knot in my stomach like nerves to drive to work and home.