View Full Version : Recurring diabetes fear, very strong this time

04-05-09, 02:32
I am a long time sufferer of HA but for the last several months I have been fearing that I have diabetes. I am a 37 yr old male in pretty good shape. I have not lost any weight and I just had a full eye exam that was fine. Recently though I have been very tired and thirsty. I have also been having lots of pins and needles in my hands and feet. Also random pains in my finger tips and tips of my toes. I had read that diabetes can cause pins and needles and pain but I thought these were symptoms of advanced diabetes and I would have had symptoms like weight loss and vision problems. Anyway, I am very worried and I can't control my fears at all. If there is anyone out there with diabetes experience I would love to hear from you. Thanks. BTW, I have not been to the dr since he dismisses everthing as anxiety and won't even run tests anymore.

04-05-09, 03:35
you don't have diabetes - those things are part of not only advanced diabetes - but would occur after years of poorly controlled bloodsugar, ie, if you had advanced diabetes and weren't taking care of your diet, etc. - unless you are in poor health and have been for a long time and have a history of high blood sugar, these symptoms would not be a result of diabetes. pins and needles or numbness from diabetic neuropathy is as you said from advanced diabetes. diabetes is diagnosed with a simple blood test, and if you've had one in the past few years most routine physicals in the US check for blood sugar. again, this is not your problem.

04-05-09, 03:36
ps i drink like 10 gallons of water a day and it's never enough .. not to mention fatigue, pins and needles, etc.. all worsened by my anx

04-05-09, 03:40
Thanks for the very direct response. I really appreciate it. The logical and rational side of my brain keeps saying that this is only HA but the "crazy" part of me is screaming that I am 5 minutes away from a diabetic coma and that if I have diabetes it must be from pancreatic cancer and then i am dead in 6 months. Just typing it scares me and reminds me how horrible the logic is all at once. Such is my life with HA.

04-05-09, 05:25
why worry about something like diabetes? Diabetes doesn't have to be terminal.

04-05-09, 13:17
I have diabetes (type 2) and it is really not a problem at all. I`ll just have to take a pill once a day and take my meals fairly reguarly. It doesn`t bother me at all (except when my blood sugar gets too low but that`s very rarely).
So; even if you have it isn`t something very troubling. My anxiety is way worse....

And I don`t think you have diabetes at all. First of all you would have lost a lot of weight, your urine would have smelt really funny etc etc.
What you are describing is advanced symptoms after decades of poorly regulated blood sugar and it is impossible to get there without having the early symptoms first..
And even if you had diabetes the chances that it is caused by pancreatic cancer is very, very remote!

04-05-09, 13:53
Thanks for all the posts. You are all right that I should not freak out over this and I am feeling much better after reading all your info. Hopefully I will be past this soon. Thanks again.