View Full Version : Someone Help Me.

04-05-09, 03:30
For the past 2 weeks I have had nonstop chest tightness, stomache pains, neck and jaw spasms, a cough, a feeling of fatique, and sometime lower abdominal pains. I recently visited ER and went for a chest x-ray, where it was shown my lungs were clear and no visible cancerous tumor or anything out of the ordinary. I have been very scared because I am only 19 years old, already have asthma, and have no idea what is going on. If someone could give me a boost I'd be happy for the feedback. Thanks.

04-05-09, 03:36
dont think you got much to worry about if the doctors say your ok then i think you are . worry plays a bit part in illness i think if you stop worrying your be fine wish you better

05-05-09, 02:51
I agree with london. Worry gets the best of us and the mind can play powerful tricks. The body will do amazing tricks if the mind will let it. Age is on your side! i went thru a YEAR AND A 1/2 with skipped heartbeats, sometimes hundreds a day. Sometime I would do well with it and other times I was so scared, all day. I finally asked my dr again for a DKG, Echo and holter and it was all from stress. A week and a 1/2 later, palps are gone. That put my mind at ease. Now I can think about it skipped and check hb, etc. it will do it...and your symptoms are all common anxiety symptoms too...you will be ok.