View Full Version : 23 years of anxiety and I still cant recognise it.

04-05-09, 09:36
23 years or so I have had Anxiety, I have had it all, I wont bore you with a list but my constant companion is HA, BUT this is the question, I feel not anxious, what ever the opposite is to anxious, I think!! however a while ago I was posting because I thought I had Bowel Cancer, saw a Do he said there were no reasons whatsoever to send me for teasts and I walked away, I trust them. I then posted here to see if IBS Lasted and how long, great replies and I again calmed down IBSay well take its time, now I am feeling, and have done for a good week or so sick, My tummy feels like I have been drinking all night, or I have a severe tummy bug, BUT Loo wise things are ok, I have noticed going more than normal, but it is as it should be, I havent really suffered with IBS for about 23 years, 'Bowel Cancer' started my HA and it wasnt, but I wanted to know here, firstly is feeling sick and having nausea OK, Can it be the IBS, But if this is brought on by Sress, how can I recognise it? 23 Years of sress and anxiety, I think I feel fine but this tummy is really playimng me up, if I had a eal worry at the moment I could come to terms with my Tum, it would make sense but without testing fate, everything seems fine at the moment, I do feel asthough there is 'Something around thew corner', I feel 'slow' if that makes sense, but last night I had to get out of bed as I felt so sick, is this a normal IBS thing and how do you know when anxiety is doing its thing, I should recognise it as I have had it so long but sometimes like now I seem to get the symptoms but with no real reason, does this make sense to anyone?.

agent orange
04-05-09, 13:33
Hi again. Firstly nauseau is very common with I.B.S and also with anxiety. If you feel anxious that is where you will usually feel it it and you can then keep going to the loo quite a lot too. You can feel off your food too. I have nauseau a lot of times, it comes and goes. If you cannot cope with the feeling there are drugs that will help you not feel this and you can take them when you feel like it. Also a mint extract is usually quite helpful and you can take this as a mint tea or as a pill sometimes called Mintec or Colpermin and this can help settle you. Secondly stress can make you feel awful. My advice to you is treat it as I.B.S, if you are losing weight or bleeding or the pain is really too much, that is when you go back to the doctors. There is really not a lot you can do, but try to not worry and relax. Does this go any where near answering your question? i.m if you need further advice.