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22-08-05, 13:04
Hi, I'm Alma. 47 years old and suffering from anxiety and depression. My husband is very understanding but he is anxious about my wellbeing and unable to cope with me state of mind. Will I ever be my old self again!! Am on antidepressants seem to be working somewhat. some good days

22-08-05, 14:59
Good Alma, that you are having some good days.

What other help are you getting to help yourself out of depression ?

You can overcome this.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-08-05, 17:30
Welcome aboard Alma!! :)

It's good that the meds are helping you. Hope we can help you continue to make progress. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

22-08-05, 18:59
Hi Alma

Welcome to the site.

You have found the right place to start.

What meds are you on at the moment?


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

25-08-05, 22:47
stick with it Alma !

I have found the anti-d's have stabilised me and bought me the time to concentrate upon my recovery.

Ive used a multi-point approach to reducing my anxiety and depression: counselling, reading up , Meg's Anxiety CD's and a determination not to avoid any situation, regardless of how uncomfortable it may become. In doing this you will not re-inforce the anxiety. Make sure you find a way of experiencing deep relaxation which will help you feel a little stronger and better equipped with day to day activities.

Just remember that it is your thoughts that are causing you anxiety so work on any negative thoughts you may have. try distracting yourself when you think negatively.

Hope this helps....Good luck,
