View Full Version : Just a cold? in need of reassurence

04-05-09, 13:49
I know i sound like a drama queen but i get so panicky when i'm ill.

I had a sore throat on and off all week but only slight and a slight cough, on saturday (it's now monday) it got really really bad, and not just my throat but right at the back on my mouth too (which i have had before).
It's Monday today and its' still really bad, it was agony this morning but has eased off now its the afternoon.
I've just started with a bit of a runny nose and still have a slight cough. The sore throat makes me feel sick and it's feels phleghmy ( keep having to cough it up), it's clear phlegm (sorry!).
My neck has been aching since yesterday (i don't have achey legs though). I didnt know if it was aching because i was laying on the sofa and been sat up in bed.

I keep feeling hot and cold, but i'm not sweating or shivering.
I feel weak and abit light headed/dizzy, i dont even know if thats the way to describe it because it's not like everythings spinning. I've been spending more time in bed though so maybe thats what making me feel like this when i do get up.

I've been eatng my usual amount although ive not felt that hungry, ive been drinking but not as much as i should be. I usually need the loo alot but i havent as much this past few days so maybe im abit dehydrated?

My other half is worried and wants to call the doctor, now i know he's worried it's making me panic even more.

Sorry i wrote alot, quick summery;

bad sore throat, sore back of mouth (which ive had before with sore throat), clear phlegm, achey neck, weak and dizzy, tiny bit of runny nose and cough.

Thank you xx

04-05-09, 13:57
This is a cold that is being made worse by your anxiety. The symptoms are classic cold symptoms. Your dizziness is probably a result of anxiety and maybe a little dehydration. Take some vitamin C, drink water and get some rest. Stay away from google and post here if you need help. If it makes you feel better go to a doctor but you will feel better in a day or two. If you are like me, it will take longer getting over the somatic anxiety symptoms than the cold symptoms. I hope you feel better and never feel bad about posting anything here. Good luck

04-05-09, 15:39
Actually it sounds more like a bad case of hayfever.

05-05-09, 07:42
Thank you for replying, you've all been a comfort.
Last night my symptoms got worse, i started with sneezing, running nose and a cough, more intense than before. hopefuly it's just a cold.

05-05-09, 10:49
Miss Moose! I have exactly these symptoms - it is just a common cold, made worse by the fact that there is so much in the media about swine flu at the moment. Everyone gets colds at this time of the year - in fact summer colds are usually much more horrible! Quite often your symptoms will get worse before they get better - I keep sneezing and I have a really runny nose and a cough. It will go, just get some rest and drink lots of Lemsip! xx

05-05-09, 10:56
Morning hun.
Does sound like you've got a cold but i understand how you feel as ive got the same thing at the moment. Your hubby sounds a bit like mine he makes me feel ten times worse than i am:)
Only thing you can do is warm drinks and stay warm and try to rest.
Hope your feeling a little better.
Take care

05-05-09, 12:15
Thank you:hugs:

I have some new symptoms today :weep: My sore throat has almost gone now, but now i'm sneezing and coughing alot. There was some blood in clear phlegm when i got up this morning but i hasn't happend since and i've been coughing up alot. My chest hurts now too, i'm hoping those things are just because i've been sneezing and coughing alot?