View Full Version : Thanks

04-05-09, 16:09
:yesyes: Hi i would like to say a big thank you to all the advice i have been given since finding this site last year after i had a brain tumour removed. I was feeling very anxious after the op and was experiencing many scary sypmtoms which i now know were due to my anxiety. I have now learnt to control these by telling myself that i am ok and they pass within minutes. I rarely get them and they only seem to get worse around my periods which is due to the hormones.
I had great news from my consultant saying that he would be very surprised if my tumour grew back. I have a scan around august time, so fingers crossed!!!
I will continue to come on here now and again as it helps me when i do get a little episode, i go to the symptoms page and read that again, it soon puts my mind at ease lol!!!

Take care all

Mandy xx:flowers:

04-05-09, 16:27
Hi Mandy

I'm so pleased that you are doing so well:D keep up the good work:yesyes:

Good luck with your August scan.

Best wishes

Trish xx

04-05-09, 16:55
Wish you all the luck in the world.

04-05-09, 18:03
:yesyes: Thanks for that i hope you all feel better soon like i do.

Mandy xx:flowers:

05-05-09, 16:59
Thanks once again xx:yesyes: