View Full Version : acid

04-05-09, 18:28
i posted about my acid reflux yesterday and i dont mean to go on about it
but everything ive eaten today has bothered me
feels like its stuck just under my ribcage im really worried i have summat bad :weep: a week ago i could eat pretty much what i wanted only big meals affected me

04-05-09, 19:31
Do you feel like air is trapped? Can you drink something to help you pass it?

This is really common, and for me it happens when I have a lot of stress and anxiety. I try stretching my arms up in my chair and leaning back...I also drink a lot of ginger ale...that helps too :)

04-05-09, 19:33
it feels like its more the food like a very heavy feeling in my chest
i will try the ginger ale thank u xx

04-05-09, 20:21
I have to say that carbonated beverages, even ginger ale is not good for an acid condition. You can google this, type in carbonated beverages acid reflux (I know, we're not supposed to google a lot but you need to be informed with helpful stuff, this is not "bad" googling). It is better to drink a lot of water to dilute the acid. If you're ever outside and have no access to Tums or any other meds you may take, my GI doctor says there is always water available.

Also, while ginger is good for the tummy, especially nausea, there is no real ginger in most ginger ales, just flavoring.

04-05-09, 21:17
Yeah I know carbonated beverages are considered bad...in the US...I drink Vernors...it is different than most ginger ales...if you drink it flat, it makes my stomach feel better :D This is only when I have pretty bad nausea.

Water is my other main beverage...but its really hard for me to drink when I am nauseous.

04-05-09, 21:34
I have to agree with lauren on this one. Why drink those kinds of drinks? They are prime causes for acid... that and poor diet. Acid is almost always caused by poor diet.... not paying attention to you body's core needs. Can I ask what most of your diet consists of in way of food and drink? I may be able to make some suggestions that will help you. Unfortunately, as much as antacids like for example Tumms and Gaviscon temporarily take the problems away, they are also likely to cause rebound acid. This is due to the antacids preventing the acid and your body producing extra afterwards to make up for it. If you would like help in changing your diet to prevent the most likely causes of acid, please send me a message and I will give you some nutritional advice as it is an area I have studied for some time now. Regardless of what you choose to do, I would invest in some natural sugar free live active culture yogurt for your local supermarket. Natural Live Yogurt contains Acidophillus, which is the good bacteria in your intestines essential a healthy digestive system as it keeps the bad bacteria in check and helps you more easily absorb the nutrients your body needs in order to prevent acid. Plus it tastes nice x

04-05-09, 21:46

I already do the yogurt thing (LivActive), Tums are worthless at this point for me. They make me even more nauseous. I am on Protonix right now.

I eat no caffeine, not even chocolate
No coffee, I have replaced a lot of dairy in my diet with Viactiv chews because I have a bit of dairy intolerance.
I stay away from spicy foods
I don't even eat pasta much often anymore because the sauces can be too spicy.

My diet is pretty bland. Lots of bread, rice, beans, fish, vegetables. Not a lot of seasonings or greasy foods to speak of.

I really wish I could eat more than I do....bland diet sucks.

05-05-09, 11:38

I dont know if this might be of any use for you to know regarding acid.... I take it direct from my nutrition course:

"Antacids made with calcium carbonate may make you feel better temporarily, but they too might have a rebound effect on the production of stomach acid."

ie. you may be trapped in a vicious circle.

I have looked up Protonix.... it does contain calcium carbonate.

If it seems temporarily better then gets a lot worse, this may actually be the culprit.... perhaps ask your doc for an antacid that does not contain it?

05-05-09, 18:53
Oh don't talk to me about acid; had a few glasses of wine last night and have I paid for it today - but I have done something really stupid and have consulted Dr Google - I am now thoroughly convinced that I have oesophagal (excuse spelling) cancer!

I am so sick of myself and this health anxiety, I am driving myself insane with the stress of it all - It is soooooo tiring and boring, if it ain't one thing it's something else, but the feelings are so strong and real - why can't I just get on with life and stop fretting ??????? :scared15:

And to top it all I still have ACID!!!!! :scared11: