View Full Version : Please I need help! I cant get through the day..

04-05-09, 20:00
Im a 22 year old female and I dont know whats happening to me. Ive been to 3 doctors, an internest, a cardiologist and a neurologist and hospitalized for 2 days. Ive had every kind of test known to man and they have all been negative.

I have been going through this for 8 months now.
It started out just happening once a week, then a couple times a week...it went away almost completely about 3 months ago and now it happens everyday...all day.

My symptoms aren't altered by any form of movement and nothing seems to make them any easier by trying deep breathing or trying to relax.

I have no idea how I manage to get through most days. To everyone else i seem normal because I just don't tell them how I am feeling but I'm terrified on the inside

It's hard to describe my symptoms, sometimes when I'm standing or sitting I feel as though i'm swaying backwards and forwards. It's definately a feeling of movement within me. It also affects my legs and makes them feel weak and as though they are swaying too. Sometimes I get feelings where it feels like the inside of my head moves, it's kind of a whooshing feeling not really a full head spin. I never see objects or anything move, though sometimes my vision gets blurry. I normally have to sit down in the shower because Im afraid Im going to fall.

The movement sensations are weird sometimes it just feels like I'm bobbing up and down in a boat or rocking. It's so hard to explain. The only thing that seems to ease it is if I've had a drink.

My neck always feels sore and my chest sometimes hurts. It gets harder to breathe and my heart starts to either race or hardly beat.

I have never actually fainted, but my vision sometimes goes dim but I just feel weird like I might
This happens when im standing, sitting, laying down, whatever. It even awakes me from my sleep…that is when I actually fall asleep. It takes a lot of effort and time to fall asleep because when I close my eyes it feels like they’re wiggling back and forth and over and over again I get this whole body jolt like I fell…even though Im laying down on a surface.

All of the doctors tell me the only thing it could be is anxiety or panic disorder. But can I really feel unsteady like this all day everyday??

Someone please help me! :[


04-05-09, 20:39
I can relate to you, have had similar symptoms and all tests have come back negative.
Have they given you anything for it?


04-05-09, 23:14
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx


04-05-09, 23:29
Hello and welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding members here , glad you found the site ,if you look on the main menu you will see information on Anxiety and Panic , and in the forum too , you take care :welcome: Dusky x

05-05-09, 00:59
Welcome to the forums, firstly you should congratulate yourself on getting this far. The way to handle this is to take really small steps.

As you have had all the tests its proberbly safe to assume your physically in the green. So we can concentrate on the other parts.

One thing that i find really helps is to learn about breathing, i say this because you may find that this alone causes a large amount of your symptoms. (i apologise for the spelling by the way. Im doing all this off an iphone)

I went through a period of time when i analysed everything that went on with my body, breathing, heartbeat, anything even slightly off would cause me to worry. The funny thing is, im learning that since i cant control everything, i should really leave it up to my body to control everything, after all, its been doing it well enough since i was born.

Ive started something new, im sure you have heard this before. Write down your experiences. Just get a little pad and start making notes. The way this works is that you can start to see paterns in your panic and then see whats really causing you to feel this way. Sometimes it could just be a subconcious thought that suddenly popped into your head a while ago. The problem is when the thought starts to take over.

Anyway, im sure your not going mad or else how did you even get to this page?

Try looking into breathing (when you realise how little oxygen we take in when your lungs expand its quite interesting) and try writig down what happens, including anything you may have done.

But remember, we are all here for you :)

06-05-09, 03:56

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. Sorry you are having such a rough time right now. I sometimes wake up with my heart racing and it is quite awful. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,


06-05-09, 10:52
Hi Chantillac, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I can relate to the constant 'unsteady' feelings & vision changes that you describe.

I have found that it has helped me to keep reminding myself that it is all down to anxiety & that it is nothing to be scared of.

I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes :flowers:

06-05-09, 14:59
I guess I am like many people on the forum in that a lot of us get physical symptoms that are made worse by us being stressed by things. My symptoms are feeling sick a lot, always being exhausted, having headaches, migraines and sometimes just feeling like I am constantly 'coming down with something' even though I am not. Its hard to find a day when I feel well.
Also I find it hard to know when I feel ill whether I am genuinely ill, or whether it is stress making me ill.
I, again like many others, have had a raft of tests, even done privately, every test known to man done on me, again coming back that I am in A1 perfect health. I actually hoped something would be found 'wrong' with me so it could be 'fixed'.
So I go on through each day facing ever more odd and distressing symptoms, some of which my family dont understand, quote "You had the tests, you are OK can't you see these are all in your HEAD?"
Yes we do understand, it is hard for us, and we seek help and support for each other through forums such as this one.

Sue x