View Full Version : Here We Go Again

04-05-09, 23:53
Hello All,

Since Friday I've had a pain in my left ear and all the usual sinus pains. Ache over left eye etc but this morning my ear felt really painful and I stuck my finger in and brought out a massive amount of darkish brown earwax. Straight away I went into a full blown panic and rang the emergency doctor (which I wouldnt normally do as I freak about doctors tests etc) I explained my symptoms and he prescribed an antibiotic which I started straight away. Now my neck hurts and down into both arms and tingling in fingers I know its me continually panicking about this thats causing the tingling in fingers but has anyone ever had neck pain with an ear/sinus/viral infection I'm trying so hard not to google.

Thanks in advance. xxx

05-05-09, 22:48
Yes - I have - the ear can cause such pain all round the head and neck - and your anxiety will mean that your neck tenses considerably more than it would normally. You seem to have some kind of infection plus you are really anxious about it - the two combined would/could cause neck pain....

Try not to worry... your glands may well be up to which would cause your neck to ache....

05-05-09, 23:02
ear infections are just the worst and soooo painful. I have had ear infection before that has caused pain down my neck and into my back. The anti biotics should help and plenty of fluid. Poking your fingers inside your ear does not help as I well know, I think I have actually caused an infection before now by scratching deep inside my ear poking my finger into it.! Hope you feel better soon
Take care

06-05-09, 11:37
Hello Mandy :) fancy seeing you here !!
Hope your feeling better now :hugs:

love anx xxx