View Full Version : I don't think I can continue

05-05-09, 00:08
not sure where else to write this but I don't think I can continue. I'm so tired of life that I just want it to end. My motivation is non existent, I don't want to talk to anyone, the things that brought me joy I couldn't care less about. There's no reason for me to live...

Tori Frances
05-05-09, 08:47
Chinook, I hope you get this message. I feel the same sometimes but thankfully what I still realise is that this is an ILLNESS its not real. When we are being treated correctly for it we will no longer feel this way. These thoughts you are having are not reality they are the illness - depression. Are you getting help? If not, you need it fast. If so make sure the right people know how you are feeling so they can help. When you are being successfully treated for this illness, (and sometimes it takes time but it will happen), your motivation will come back as will your joy. For now you will just have to have blind faith in this. Let me know how you get on.

05-05-09, 17:11
I dont have any great words for you as I myself am not in a great place :weep:

Just wanted to send hugs and possibley recommend ringing the Samaritans ( I have, they are good)


05-05-09, 23:44
thanks for your kind words but I just don't want to go on anymore. i don't want to get help - i'm tired of seeking help & it not changing anything. i don't have anything to offer, so why bother :(

BF will probably leave soon as he can't deal with my ups & downs - can't blame him, i wouldn't want to be with me either.

06-05-09, 00:19
you have a lot to offer your words on this forum, the help you can give to others, your life experience. memories are made when you give to others. your bf must love you to your core to be with you in the first place. you are loved and lucky.

please chat to members more on here lets get you some real progress.... you really do deserve it.

06-05-09, 02:35
I know how it feels, nothing seems t get better , nothing seems to change no matter how hard you try.

I've been there, n the edge so to speak.
one of the hardest lessons I've learned was that no one can help me, I have to help my self, I have to drag my ass out of that black hole I dug myself into.

if your not taking antidepressants go to your doctor, they really can help lift that dark cloud enough for you to start thinking better and more positively.

also watch that movie you can heal your life by Louise hay, i find it up lifting and inspiring.

you know you don't want to die! you really don't!
you just want the emotional pain to stop.

you do have a choice here, you have lots of choice's.
you may think you have tried every thing , every type of therapy but there is something out there that will help you.

but getting better all starts with loving your self,
as hard as that may seem right now you need to love yourself.
you need love and care and you can give that to yourself.

take care I hope you get better x x

06-05-09, 06:48
Hi there hope i can sort of give advice, i get depressed like all last wk until nowish, about crap stuff bad stuff etc, i get this in stages not all the time.. so there is a light at the end of the tunnel, i see people that i no that are depressed and i say to my self ..why cant you just snapped out of it theres worse people than you...but then i can understand the depressed feeling like no 1 likes you anymore or your rubbish or whatever.. i,ve got ocd and i get depressed when i get in a worrying state lik now, but i no i always wont be like this, theres always a light, i hope that made sense. brian

06-05-09, 06:59
sorry when i said theres worse people than you i was meening like me not you..because i dont no how depressed you are sorry.

06-05-09, 08:03
Hi Chinook,

I completely agree with mischel, please take her advice..
I think many people on this forum can relate to the feelings that you are having, but those feelings do pass.. it takes time and rest! I know that it feels agony right now and as if you will always feel that way, but you wont, its just the anxiety and depression tricking you into thinking that..

Please go to your doctor and start the climb up.... its a struggle, but it is worth it! xx

07-05-09, 13:13
Hello Chinook, things can feel very desperate, I know, please take the advice of others on the board. I am looking through all the posts feeling awful too but I am getting some solice from the replies of support other people are getting. Please read them and let them sink in it sounds good advice to me.

"you have a lot to offer your words on this forum, the help you can give to others, your life experience. memories are made when you give to others. your bf must love you to your core to be with you in the first place. you are loved and lucky".

I am really thinking about you and hoping you feel your worth soon, as it really appears to be to others.
Good luck
Maz x

07-05-09, 13:35
sorry, i'm just not feeling any better. if anything i feel worse. i'm to the point where i don't care about anything. just want to crawl underneath a rock & die.

07-05-09, 14:02
Hi Chinnook
Are you receiving any help at all - counselling, medication? Do you practice any self help at all?
You sound so depressed. How can dying be an improvement on feeling depressed? Ok you wouldn't feel depressed but neither would you feel anything including fany future happiness when you are better, and you can be better and happy again, no matter how unlikely you think that is right now. You would end all chance and hope of everything there is in life that you can experience and take pleasure from.
Millions of people suffer with depression and recover or even if they relapse they can bounce back again.
I have never met a person who has been depressed every day for the whole of their lives.
You have got to try and hold onto a little bit of hope that you want to and can get better. It wont always be like this, but it will continue for as long as you are not getting counselling and medication.
If you get so down you think you are going to become a danger to yourself, then please tell someone, or phone the equivalent of our Samaritans, or get to the emergency room at your hospital.
I feel really sorry for you - I experienced such feelings in the past but it can and does get better with the right help. Start fighting it and don't let yourself get fully defeated and dragged down, no matter how down you are feeling. Get angry at how you are feeling and tell yourself you are not having your life ruined by how you are feeling and see it as a fight that you are going to win.
I really hope things start to improve for you soon.:hugs: