View Full Version : Chest pains, rib pains, now back burning??!

05-05-09, 00:41

So ive been having chest pains for about 3 weeks now. Everyday, but the little stabs only come on for a split second and then leave. Once every hour or so. The doctors didnt do any real test for the digestive system (allthough ive already had chest xray, EKG, blood tests-CAT SCAN- all fine) but now the pains are being felt in the lower 2 ribs. They feel like little stabs every now and then and they are driving me absolutely insane!

I have read about the whole swollen abdominal muscles, and chest wall pain- but i just cant seem to think that anxiety could be the case....im always thinking its some sort of terminal illness.

The pills the doctors gave me for acid reflux ( generic form of Zantac- called ranitidine 150) seemed to take the pain away for the first 2 days, but now its back worse than ever.... it just keeps happening!

The feeling is extremely bad in the morning when i wake up, before i get out of bed, and it occurs all through the day. And ever since this morning its felt like a burning (almost like heartburn or pressure...) on the right side of my back. It friggin hurts when it comes and goes!

Ive read about GERD but havent seen a digestive doc yet. Im hoping that it is indeed an anxiety symptom, but what i dont nderstand is that it is all the time, and not just when im having an attack!

any ideas?:mad:

05-05-09, 09:10
It to me sounds like a mix of anxiety (pains) & possible digestive problems (your back pain).
When your anxiety is high your stomach produces lots of acid as your metabolism works much faster from the nervous energy so we get all these pains & GERD type problems.

Try & learn to relax now you have been given the cardiac all clear & just think its just stress thats causing this...overtime i guarantee if you can do this it will go

Im proof! x

05-05-09, 21:18
I just got over two weeks of back burning pain and pain to touch, sharp pains and a little rib brusing feeling ( lasted like a day, the rib pain) There is nothing wrong with me.. It's anxiety.. I had someone else tell me the same thing on the forum.

07-05-09, 05:40
i had the same tonite not very nice

20-05-09, 15:20
Ive just posted this in response to a similar thread so i will paste it on here too in case it helps:

This sounds very familiar. Ive been struggling with similar symptoms for about 4 years. Pain in my stomach, particularly after eating. Feeling like Im very bloated even if Im not. And then pains up into the chest occasionally like tension or spasm, sometimes like stabbing pains in the left or the right. Various doctors visitations etc led me to see a gastric surgeon who did tests to show I have excessive stomach acid going back into my oesophagus. This was supposedly remedied by an operation - nissen fundoplication. Sadly the symptoms have not gone at all. I have to go back and see the surgeon in 2 weeks but in all honesty Im starting to believe that the anxiety is the cause of the problem, as well as many other problems. So Im trying to get booked in for CBT and see if that helps. What Im basically trying to say is I think you could do all the things I have to try and seek relief from this pain but even an operation wont cure it because its your brain causing it not an undiagnosed condition. Im trying my best now to deal with it that way but I think I will need CBT to get me through because Ive learned so many bad habits through anxiety.

hope that helps some