View Full Version : heart beating fast, and light headed

05-05-09, 04:56
again tdy feeling heart beating fast, like i am running fast, and eyes so so blury (anyone ever hv dry eye), could it be dry eye or strain eye, a bit watery and blury. can't focus again, and light headed and headache, hate this everyday is like this, when will it be ok?i hv no peace of mind, heart. i guess if i am not working just rest will be fine is it?

05-05-09, 07:56

I have a constant fast heart beat already but every now and then I get it bad it feels so rapid for no reason and takes a long time to calm. I also have one eye that feels like theres a film on it and is more blurred than the other. That can last for months for me.

Could you ask your GP for anxiety management to help you deal with this? I'm hoping to be reffered soon.

Hope you feel better soon x

05-05-09, 12:23
i have a rapid heart its usually 130 per min but ivbeen told its due to drinking every day but i know how it feels i hate it feels its like im goin to collapse

05-05-09, 12:43
help i don't know what triggers it, could it be working. last weekend i got enough sleep and idon't hv any symptoms, i can walk and think, sudenly monday come and i go to work, i hv the attack exactly at work. and it last till today, the worst symptom that i am going thru now is rapid heartbeat, headache, eyes blury, neckaching, and worst is the dizziness, light heaededness that i cant even walk, i am swyaing and need help of my 9yr old child to hold me. what is wrong wth me, i feel like i may faint topple or fall any minute and i take baby steps to walk home. my brain thinking can imanage home it scared my madly. i don't know how to stop all these, it is with me the whole day, and my eyes feel so so so so sleepy that i may fall on the floor sleeping. what is wrong. i feel so so tired, and very impatient and stress. yeah my work is very headache and stressful. and i feel in office i am traped and i feel i am lock up i feel so sick. but strange last weekend i feel like normal person, this thing come on and off. i can't even carry my head now. my eyes feel like i hv been crying for 10 yrs, i feel eyes so uncomfortable, but i did not cry but i feel like i am crying, i look and feel miserable. all i want to do is sleep. it hurt badly, until i can't do what i normally do , i can't even go marketing or shopping to buy house stuff, i walk home becos this feeling inside me is so so strong. what should i do/doctor gave me librax, and i don't feel like taking it, i want to cure myself naturally but how. pls help anyone.i cant relax at all, if i sit still or rest i will feel so uneasy scared and dizzy, so i must keep on moving moving or if i sit in a car, the car must keep on moving, if it stop i feel so out of control, dizzy and light heaed. what is the matter. i am so scared, sad, how to get better. how to distract myself, is it becos i don't hv enough sleep, or all the past torturing life or i am too sleepy, or hormone imbalance?