View Full Version : blood in phlegm, got a cold

05-05-09, 07:52
I posted yesterday because i think i have a cold and my bad sore throat was making me panic.
I've been clearing my throat alot, which i have to do regurdless of my cold because i always have alot of mucus that can make me sick if i swallow it (and i've got abit of a cough too.) i've have a lot of clear phlegm.

There's been blood in it sometimes, and i just coughed up some that had quite abit of blood in it but was mostly phlegm.

I'm trying not to panic, i read somewhere on here yesterday that blood can appear when you've been coughing or hacking up phlegm because of burst blood vessles.

I'm just looking for more reassurence and hopeing someone here has had this happen to them too?

Thank you xxx

05-05-09, 13:59
Hi there,
This is one of my major worries, but I have been reassured!!
I get this when I get a cold and stuffy nose and I have been to the doctors about it and they did not seem too concerned. Apparently it is quite normal with a cold.
I get minor nosebleeds quite frequently due to an on going sinus problem and the blood does not always run down my nose, but down the back of my throat, hence when you have phlegm and have to cough it up, this blood mixes with the mucus, causing bloody phlegm.
Take care and try not to worry!
Luv Nikki. :-) x

05-05-09, 14:30
def sounds like a burst vessell it wont hurt you hope you feel better soon


05-05-09, 15:04
Thank you for reassuring me:hugs: It has happened before a few years ago when i had the flu, the NHS Dierct lady said i might have torn the lining of my stomach:ohmy:

It's not happenning everytime i cough up phlegm though, it happen for the second time today about half an hour ago but there were 2 spots of blood the size of pin heads.

I have to say yesterday i felt dreadful and i'm feeling much better today, all this ickly phlegm, sneezing and coughing is annoying me though. Not sure what i can take to get ris of it, specially the coughing, something with no side effects?

Thank you all again xxx :)

05-05-09, 15:16
hi again all ive been taking is paracetomol and lots of fluids theres not alot i dont think that will help

05-05-09, 18:41
my ex brother in law has had a nasty cold and he has the same thing try not to worry.

05-05-09, 19:03
Do not fret, there are loads of nasty virus's going around in the UK at the moment. I had sore throat, tonsillitis, sinus infection and chest infection (with REALLY bad cough) 3 1/2 weeks ago. After two weeks I had to go on antibiotics... I was coughing up dark brown stuff with flecks of red in it (I presume from ripping my throat to shreds with the coughing). I finished the antibiotics about 3-4 days ago and Im still coughing up mucus but its dying off now. I found the best thing I could get was Sudafed Expectorant for chesty coughs. It comes in a bottle and clears your chest almost immediately. I know it sounds gross but try coughing the mucous into tissue so its not reinfecting you. Also, I used Strefen throat sweets. You have to buy them over the counter at the pharmacy. They dont just numb your throat, they also contain a form of anti inflamatory, smililar to ibuprofen and they arent sickly menthol thank goodness. The two together sorted me out a treat. I only went on the antibiotics after to make double sure it had gone as Im doing a sponsored walk in two weeks and didnt want it to come back in time for me doing it. x