View Full Version : tender spots on head

22-08-05, 17:03
hi all, just wondering if anyone can put my mind at rest. Ive had anxiety for about 2 months now and and just seem to be up and down all the time(driving myself nuts) This website has been a great help and i have been able to rationalise my thoughts on a lot of the symptoms due to the advice given to other people, my problem is, however, that i seem to have atleast 90% of the symptoms mentioned and its freaking me out.

i got past the non eating, choking feeling, not swallowing, scared to sleep, major internal shakes, and so on; but every time i get past a symptom another one comes up

now my throat just feels sore and croaky/dry alot and i have had this headache for like 3 days which has left a tender spot in the middle left hand side of my head (for a whole 3 days). I just don't get it beacuse i thought it was justa pressure headache as it started at the back of my head, went numb, then moved to the front- but now i just have this tender spot on my head that hurt when i touch it, is not moving and has been there for days.

sorry to waffle, just sick of wierd symptoms like the rest of you and couldn't face going to the doctors AGAIN.

if anyone experiences similar some feedback would be must appreciated, thanks and take care all

22-08-05, 17:25
Hi Linz,
Welcome to the site, it's a great place to get support.
I've had alot of headaches in the past and still get a few, what you're describing sounds like a tension headache. I sometimes get the sore points that you mention, it's nothing to worry about.
Take care and enjoy the site,

22-08-05, 17:33
hi Linz,

I often have tender spots on my head, especially after headaches. It's just caused by anxiety and is nothing to worry about..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

22-08-05, 19:03
Hi Linz

Welcome to the site.

I mhave them to. Had one for last three days also and have very tender spots especially at the pressure points.

Its that ugly anxiety rearing its head again

Take care


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

26-03-09, 11:58
Oh my god i am so releived to read this.i am sorry that your feeling like this but it makes me feel better about my headache,mine is just in 1 spot and i have convinced myself it is a tumor,i hope u feel better soon..xx:bighug1:

26-03-09, 14:22
ive had this for weeks! i have put mine down to my sinuses. if u touch just appove my eyebrow on both sides it hurts, also had pains behind the eyes and under my eyes. i havent got a runny nose, but am abit blocked up in the morning. i have also had a neckache but this has eased too. i bought some beechams decongestant stuff from asda and it worked a treat! ibroprofen wasnt touching it. hope this helps xxx

26-03-09, 15:57
I get these

They are either
*sinus problems
* or anxiety/stress & its from the scalp being so tight

Its horrid tho & used to make me panic xx

26-03-09, 18:41
Oh my god i am so releived to read this.i am sorry that your feeling like this but it makes me feel better about my headache,mine is just in 1 spot and i have convinced myself it is a tumor,i hope u feel better soon..xx:bighug1:

You couldn't feel a brain tumour by pressing on your head.

01-04-09, 18:35
I get these

They are either
*sinus problems
* or anxiety/stress & its from the scalp being so tight

Its horrid tho & used to make me panic xx

This is a new symptom for me. I had it in the past but I didn;t really have other symptoms then. This one scared me. I do clinch my jaw tight esecially at night, could it be from tention in my head and jaw.

08-10-09, 18:59
Hey everyone. I recently was diagnosed with anxiety and I'm also ADD. So they have me on anxiety medication and adderall. I try not to take the ADD medicine because it makes my anxiety worse. Here lately I have been having the worse headaches, and very bad tenderspots. Even if I just touch my head it feels weird. Does this seem normal? Reading everyone's posts has put my mind at ease a little bit. But it still scares me. It is like i'll nevber escape this feeling, and im only 22. This anxiety thing really sucks!

25-11-11, 20:13
Hi am dizzy 24 hours a day and get blurry vision i also get headaches and shooting pains from the side and back of my head going on my back. I also get feelings that i can't breath and that something is stuck in ma thrott. I'v got a little lump on my head to its like the size of a spot been going for around 2 months now can anybody help me please

26-11-11, 08:31
Hi am dizzy 24 hours a day and i get blurry vision i get shooting pains in my head going down my back and my head is tender to touch. Also i find it hard to breath like there is something stuck in my trout. I'v got a small lump on my head like the size of a spot. Can anyone help me please

26-11-11, 10:42
Hi Shafiq, welcome to the forum.
Have you seen a doctor? You should do this first to rule anything out. I am sure it is anxiety, but see a doctor first and tell them about your symptoms.
How about making your own thread and introducing yourself to us? Choose a forum and click new thread.
Take care.