View Full Version : Yet another sleepless night...

05-05-09, 09:59
......followed by an early morning rummage on www for my latest diagnosis.:weep:
My husband went to work furious at me this morning, when I got mad because he refused to indulge in yet another session of prodding me for lumps. I don't know what has come over me. I've always been a bit of a worrier, but nothing like this before. (Actually, that's not completely true. I've had episodes like this in the past several times, but have been able to control them) I hold down a senior managment post in the NHS, I look all together, and inside I'm a wreck.

I have had a slightly enlarged node in my neck for well over 10 years, which appeared after a really nasty tonsil infection, and it was checked out at the time, I was told it was nothing, and to forget about it, so I did. For the last 10 years, I give it a quick poke every month to check it hasn't changed, and then ignore it. For some reason, about three months ago, I started to obsess about it. I went to the GP, he reassurred me that a lump that hadn't changed for a decade was very unlikely to be serious, especially given the lack of any other symptoms, and he checked all my other nodes, and said I was fine.

The reassurance lasted about 3 hours. Since then, I've been back about 6 times, convinced I have other lumps. (The first time was only a day after my initial visit). The doctor has either not been able to feel them at all, or says they are muscles nodules, fatty deposits etc etc. I've spent hours and hours googling symptoms, and had convinced myself I had lymphoma. My evidence for this is I had a raised inflammatory marker in my blood three years ago (I had a raging stomach bug at the time!). The levels started to drop within 2 weeks when I was re-tested, but I've convinced myself it was significant, and something was missed at the time. The doctor said the raised test was a blip, but I've convinced myself it was the normal one that was the blip, and I should have had more investigations.

I was getting increasingly in a state, and THEN on one of my (many) visits, with me begging him to check out other lumps I was convinced I had, the GP noticed I had a small thyroid goitre, and he ordered some blood tests (results on Friday). I had most of my thyroid removed 15 years ago, and he said the goitre was probably due to my remaining thyroid struggling a bit now I'm menopausal. So now of course, I can't make up my mind if I have lymphoma or thyroid cancer.

A rational part of me says this is ridiculous, the doctor says I'm fine, and the worst scenario is that I've got a bit of a thyroid problem which will need treatment. The irrational part thinks all the time that doctors make mistakes, and I keep thinking of a friend who died of breast cancer, as it wasn't detected till it was advanced, because of a missed diagnosis. Google certainly convinces me I'm seriously ill. Because I have access to online medical journals at work, I'm researching ever more obscure peices of research, all of which convince me I'm dying of some sort of cancer.

I persauded my husband to check me all over for lumps on Sunday, and managed (it was hard!) not to ask him to re-check yesterday. But I hardly slept last night, having been researching symptoms till about 2am, so this morning it seemed reasonable (yeah, right) to ask him to do another quick check. He refused, and I got almost hysterical. I've gone to work, but sat through my first meeting of the day on tenterhooks, desperate for it to finish, so that I could get back online or to the rest room to poke myself.

half an hour ago my husband called me, and told me he was really worried about me, that my behavious was bizarre, and HE had been researching my "condition" and he thought it sounded a lot more like health anxiety than anything else. He sent me this link.

Some of the posts could be me.......and yet I keep thinking "but what if I'm the one that really does have cancer"

I can't keep this up though, I'm exhausted:weep:

If you've got to the end, thanks for reading so far. Sorry for such a rambling, hysterical first post. Emily

08-05-09, 20:00
just read your post and i understand how you feel.I am obsessing about backpain and i have been back to docs numerous times and had bloods done and chest x ray and endoscopy and all ok.I am driving my partner up the wall crying and saying i am going to die.And like you although i relate to people on here i always think but what if i am one of the unlucky ones that really do have something sinister and its missed and its to late.Hope your feeling a bit calmer and just wanted to let you know your not alone in thinking like this xx

08-05-09, 20:50
I know this is almost impossible but can you sort of stand back a bit and read your own post as if you were your husband or your Dr. If you can then you will see how much what you are suffering from is health anxiety - I can relate and understand everything you have said and I have had severe health anxiety since a traumatic event with illness and death at 4 yrs old. I could write the book about every aspect of health anxiety.:blush:

We ALL have slightly enlarged lymph nodes at some time of life - I had chicken pox when I was 28 yrs old and it left me raised nodes at base of skull for 12 years - yes I did worry the first year and checked them every month but I realised the more I prodded the bigger they got. I also about once a year get a raised node behind my ear that lasts a couple of weeks then goes. no reason it seems but it just does.

What our problem really is , is that we cannot ever have control of our health or our bodies - you can live the healthiest life possible and still get cancer and you can be overweight slob and live to 90 yrs old. This is the thing i find hardest to accept - i want to be told every day that I have been totally checked out and have nothing fatally wrong with me. SO every single symptom I have I think has to be a sign of something that will be fatal.

Try going to your Dr and explaining your real fears - your obsessions over health etc and see if they can help.

:bighug1: have a hug

Captain America
08-05-09, 21:05
countrygirl i loved your post. accepting the sometimes randomness of illness and the fact that you can't prevent everything was (and is) my biggest health anxiety hurdle.
it makes me feel like you have to almost be willing to die to allow yourself to live, if that makes sense.