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View Full Version : Here I go again

05-05-09, 10:36
Well back from the doctors again........with many of my HA related ailments:blush: . Got the reassurance that I needed but he was adament that I restart on the prozac again. Now I did have success with it before but I also gained a fair bit of weight with it. He did check my weight this time and is going to monitor it this time .
I really do need something to get me through as i'm struggling really bad , somedays I just feel so down and depressed with the constant worrying.It's exhausting a viscious circle.
I've to start on 20mg just now to be taken in the morning then that shall get increased to 40mg, anyway here goes to a month of lovely side effects, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, can't believe i'm here again, wish me luck xxx

05-05-09, 14:05
hang in there kittykat!! i'm on my second week of 20mg and am feeling the beautiful side effects :( hopefully they'll go soon but i don't hold much hope at present

06-05-09, 14:53
Hey libertine,

the side effects will eventually go, can sometimes take a month or longer though, but they are fun aren't they......lol xxx