View Full Version : Help / Advice Needed

05-05-09, 10:36
Morning everyone,

I need some advice / help.

I don't believe that I have felt particularly anxious for about 2 weeks or so now, which is good. However I still think that something is wrong with my health?

I am a fit 26 year old who goes to the gym daily and stays in shape and eats well. But my head feels weird, like I'm not quite with it and I felt tired and run down all weekend. I also think my eyesight is a bit weird today?

Also when I was in the gym at the weekend my chest, where my heart is started to get slightly painful for a moment. I have been feeling these sensations / slight pains for a while now and was advised in January following tests that it was anxiety. I also wore a 24 hour ECG machine in January which turned out to be fine. I am still feeling these pains which make me feel weird and a bit scared to be honest. I try to surpress the being scared feeling and shrug it off as anxiety.

I make a big effort to train hard at the gym and eat healthy, so I think, why am I feeling like this, I'm fit and healthy?

I'm not sure what you make of this, but any advice or help is welcomed



05-05-09, 10:52
hello matt
have you any other things going on in your life at the moment that could cause you to be stressed. theres a lot of things out there to pressure us such as work issues and personal relationships as well as money matters or overdoing the drink and social things. do you think any of those could be a problem at the moment?

regards alan

05-05-09, 11:57

Yes, I'm getting married on 15th August this year which for some reason I think makes me feel wierd even though I have been with my fiance for 10 years?

But I'm not sure if this is the reason I'm getting these symptoms. Also my job is quite preasurising, targets ect... but nothing new

Any ideas?

05-05-09, 13:13
if you worry as a natural part of your makeup the 2 things going on in your life added together can make that extra pressure along with every day life. i worked in the insurance industry for 32 years and for most of that time i had 4 weekly targets to meet and was interviewed every week by my manager and his assistant as to how these figures would be met and bettered. if you had asked me was that enough to stress me id probably have said id got it under control. it was only later when i took a less demanding job in the company and witnessed from a detached point of view the pressure the salesmen were under, i realised the effect of the constant need for results had on me. things may seem small individually but added together become out of proportion leading to stress.

05-05-09, 16:27
Thank you for your response.

I have recently been made a partner of the business I work for. I am in the oil and gas recruitment industry and run a team of 9 consultants and am keen to impress. Have consistantly been highest profit maker in business and am keen to keep this up.

Also I suppose getting married is quite a big thing as well!

What do you do now?

05-05-09, 17:14
i took redundancy and my company pension 4 years ago at the age of 56. my wife was going to carry on working but had to go into hospital for an operation which went wrong and as a result has been a regular visitor to the doctors since. i decided it was better to live off my investments at this point and so we are having an early retirement and enjoying it although i also have some health issues too.

06-05-09, 09:12
Sorry to hear about your wife's operation complications.

Good luck in your retirement, sounds like you deserve to enjoy it after all of those years in insurance sales.


06-05-09, 10:04
cheers matt
best wishes to you and your lady in the future, life has many twists and turns but apart from health matters we make the choices.