View Full Version : left side chest pain :(

05-05-09, 11:04

sunday night i was out drinking.. i felt a chest pain .. left hand side it came on and off .. its sort of a dull pain. they come on and off ... its ever since i drank a fair few drinks on sunday night.. i dont usually drink alot these days .. i used to on weekends. im 18 years old and had an ecg and call some back normal..

but can anybody reassure me its just anxiety?

05-05-09, 11:13
hey, i have had this for a couple of days, its gone from the middle of my chest...then to my left....then my right....now my arm hurts when i lift it up. i am putting mine down to muscler. could u have pulled a muscle? could of even lay funny on bed? x

05-05-09, 11:15
hello :) well its ever since i had a drink.. wella fair few drinks

05-05-09, 11:19
so did you notice it when u were drinking or when u got home?

05-05-09, 11:21
i noticed it when i was drinking at a club .. but it went .. then came back an hour later and done it all night till i went to bed.. yesterday it came and went .. this morning it hasnt been bad but its still came and come back..
its just got me worried thats all..

05-05-09, 11:26
i know how u feel, i worry about everything! i have 3 types of cancer over the bank holiday weekend!!! (needless to say i havent!). I try not to think about it and the pains seem to ease of abit. It sounds muscular to me. i had the pains that i had over the weekend about 6 months ago, and they are the same now, its not always when i move, i could be sitting down, and i get a twinge! they last a coule of mins, then go.....saying that it could be down to anxiety to x

05-05-09, 11:28
awww sounds terrible
so ill be fine? :(

05-05-09, 11:42
ive read over ur previous posts and it seems u have a fear of something being wrong with ur heart, u have been checked out by docs that have said u r fine, and u r young, thats always a good sign, lol!! xx

05-05-09, 11:44
ok thanks helen