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05-05-09, 13:23
I am 47 yrd old and for past 2 years have been on the menopause trail with dysfunctional perimeno bleeding. 2 years ago I suddenly missed periods going 2-3 months then I would either get very very heavy long period lasting about 10 days or I would start spotting and bleeding slightly in a three day cycle that went on for 4-6 weeks. I went to gyny and had all the tests - D&C, hysteroscopy and biopsy and ultrasound and blood tests and all was normal and gyny said it was just my peri wonky hormones. I had option of coil or womb out or live with it. I said I wouls see how it went!
I then had 6 months of normal periods before starting the missed ones again. I have recently gone 4 months period free:D which was wonderful then a month ago started with the spotting and slight bleeding - once again I am into a three day cycle with the bleeding increasing slightly until someitime on day three for a couple of hours I bleed like a normal period then it all stops again for half a day and off we go again.
I had an ultrasound of pelvis just 3 weeks before all this started again and everything was normal then.
I saw my GP last week and she said not to worry - I have had this before and there was nothing sinister. BUT I am now worrying I may be getting aneamic even though I have rosy red cheeks! and last time around I didn't get aneamic at all. I am panicking about what to do if it keeps on going for weeks and weeks more - do I ask to go back to gyny but don't really want the horrible tests again.
I would love to get rid of my womb but they can't do that without me being there:mad: hoho and a serious operation would scare me terribly.

Just wondered if there is anyone else on here who has this sort of problem.

05-05-09, 14:42
Im kinda going through similar things, except my periods are regular to the day and last 7 days and i have just been diagnosed with anaemia, im just getting some roses back in my cheeks, either that or the central heating is on to high!!
My GP has given me iron tablets which have their own issues, feeling sick and stuff, and has organised for me to have a pelvic ultrasound, so i would be intrested to know what they do. GP has also arranged for me to see a gynaecologist so im dreading that one. My mum has said why dont i have it all out!! yep that for me would be good but would also mean me been there!! so i dont ever think thats gonna be an option, plus i think we are still young!!

I hope your feeling better soon, and if your worried about anaemia ask you gp for a blood count, although i spent a few months struggling tired and unintrested in anything and just about held it together for my job, i have now known why, and why i was so anxious the whole time.


05-05-09, 18:50
Thanks Jools. No need to worry about the pelvic ultrasound its a doddle. Mind you having to have the full bladder is interesting especially as they seem to press down quite hard doing the scan. You feel like saying hurry up or I'll be laying here in a puddle:D

My hospital tell you as they are doing the scan if they see anything but not very hospital does so don't worry if the radiographer says nothing its different hospital policies.

If you go to gyny they usually want a hysteroscopy which I have had 3 of them so far and they aren't too bad - undignified to say the least having a Dr between your legs:blush: ferreting about - they usually use local anaethesia in your cervix before inserting the camera and the biopsy tends to be a short sharp pain but you can ask for sedation if you wish. If you are over 45 yrs old then they often want to do a D&C under anaethetic but again all hospitals have different protocols.