View Full Version : When to accept anxiety

05-05-09, 13:35
How and when do you accept that it is anxiety doing this? I KNOW I have anxiety, but I don't realize when attacks happen or when I feel funny. I am getting better, but why is it that I can't accept it after 3 years? Plus I have had blood work, 2 holters, 2 echos, a stress test, 24 hr urine sample, thyroid check, etc. But know I think something might be wrong with my stomach or brain. I worry that something bad is going to happen at any moment and I won't make it. This sucks! I started on sertraline and it does seem to help but I am having an off day. Dr wants me to go up to 100 mg and I am only at 50mg. Scared to go up, hell I was scared to add vitamin B! For dumb!

How do you know if its real or if its anxiety?

06-05-09, 03:29
The more tests we perform in an attempt to seek reassurance, the more we feed our anxiety because we create more worries as we'll constantly doubt the results.

My golden rule is...

If you feel genuine pain or something unusual crops up, then it's real and you should see a doctor.

If you have NO pain and something has always been there remaining the same, and your thoughts are...

know I think something might be wrong
I worry that something bad is going to happen at any moment
Scared to go up,

Then it's just anxiety.:winks:

06-05-09, 13:13
Thank you Bill. I hate being this scared and when waking in the morning, asking myself do I feel ok? I know I shouldn't do this...I just try to tell myself that in one week, I can't possibly go through stomach or breast cancer, luekemia, brain problems...it just doesn't end does it?

06-05-09, 14:12
It might not end but it does get better as soon as we accept that it is anxiety doing this and not something "real". It is easier, believe it or not to deal with the anxiety sometimes if you have the tools to do so. Breathing really helps and so does refocusing your mind on something constructive. Instead of saying what if, try saying who cares for one day. I know it sounds dumb, but it helped me get through alot of health anxiety. Take care and this will get better.

06-05-09, 14:32
just be aware that the feelings your having you have had before and nothing as happened to you then. even though it is scary and frigtening when you have them be aware that it is just anxiety and yes you have had the symtoms before not getting worked up or reacting to them is a way of excepting you have experience and been there before.
it wont go away when you except what it is, but as they sid it gets easier because you dont react by knowing what it is.

take care