View Full Version : x ray results.

05-05-09, 14:38
Just rang docs for my chest x ray results and they were satisfactory but i dont feel as relieved and overjoyed as i thought i would be.It doesnt change the fact i feel awful,but it rules out the pain in my backs not lung cancer or spine cancer which i have been thinking.But no doubt i will think its something else sinister in a few days lol.

05-05-09, 15:22
Zippy move on hun life is too short. This should reassure you immensely.

05-05-09, 16:54
Just rang docs for my chest x ray results and they were satisfactory but i dont feel as relieved and overjoyed as i thought i would be.It doesnt change the fact i feel awful,but it rules out the pain in my backs not lung cancer or spine cancer which i have been thinking.But no doubt i will think its something else sinister in a few days lol.

As you have seen, the problem with physical testing is that if our problem is not actually physical (the big hoax that health anxiety pulls on us) then all the satisfactory, good, excellent etc etc test results in the world can never reassure us.

If our tests come back good and we have been advised by our GP's that nothing is physically amiss the only course of action available to us is to accept that diagnosis and repudiate the physical and live our lives as normal as possible. Note, I'm not saying that we do not have work to do or that we don't have a recovery to make but rather that we should not be fooled into thinking that the problem and therefore answers lie in an area that we want to constantly retread. Look at the bigger picture.

(maybe I've told you that already...lol:winks: )