View Full Version : really worried again :(

05-05-09, 15:57
Hi all, i have a few things wrong & im scared its a sign of something serious :( i had root canal done 4 day ago & in agony, i am on anti biotics waiting for them to kick in, i have since developed 4 mouth ulcers, a really sore throat & my burning tongue is soo much worse. I keep thinking it might be hiv or something any ideas?:weep:

05-05-09, 16:17
ooooooh tash - you and i are so similar! Two weeks ago you were convinced you had breast cancer and you found out you didn't, and i guess for a couple of days you didn't worry about anything and now here you are again, stressing about some other deadly ailment!!! This is NOT a criticism because I am just the same, believe me (far worse, in fact!)......... it's just sad though, isn't it, how our minds work? I wish we could just get on with enjoying life.....
It really doesn't sound like you have anything serious love, and definitely NOT HIV (because you've been tested!).

take care xxxxx

05-05-09, 17:16
Tash...forget about the HIV...the mouth ulcers, whether herpes or canker sores, both of which I get...are caused by stress. Anytime you have intervention in the mouth, it's a trauma and can trigger this. It does with me, even after a cleaning.

Did you have an abscess? Which tooth and how many roots? I am wondering if he removed both or all of the nerves...sometimes they remove 1 and do the next the following visit. It can take a while to calm down...please if you can take it, try ibuprofen (forget what it's called outside of the U.S.) Dentists say that that is the best painkiller for toothaches. The sore throat could be from keeping your mouth open for an extended period of time and getting dry. Do you have any reason to believe you have HIV? Have you been tested?

05-05-09, 18:05
HI jo, thank you so much again :P

Lauren, tbh i dont know exactly what the dentist did but i was in no pain before i went & for the past 4 days have been in agony, the doc says an infection is in my tooth so gave me anti biotics. I actually think its a bit better today but all these ulcers etc have started since i had the work done. I have been taken ibuprofen & paracetomal every 4 hours and it is taking the edge of it. I need to go back and see the dentist on the 14 for my crown. I have a silly fear of HIV & yes i have been tested i gave birth 12 weeks ago & you get tested routinly, obviously it was negative, but i put my symptom in to google and it came up with HIV. You mention Herpes?? isnt that an STD? xx

05-05-09, 18:23
Herpes in the mouth is a "cold sore" . It can be on your mouth or in the pubic area in which case it is an STD...there are two types, 1 and 2 but it doesn't really matter...in the mouth it's usually 1 and not a big deal. Almost everyone gets cold sores, sometimes on the lip, sometimes inside the mouth. I get them all the time. I could elaborate on this but don't want to increase your anxiety...just will say whenever you have a mouth sore, don't touch your eyes or ever use saliva to insert a contact lens (this should never be done even with no sores!)

I am not clear about your root canal...did he remove your nerve? Did he fill the canal? Don't let him crown the tooth with a permanent crown until you are pain free.

05-05-09, 18:40
Yes I can answer that one for you. Broad spectrum antibiotics kill bacteria. The kill good bacteria along with bad bacteria. They also block your body's absorption of Vitamin B. Vitamin B protects the lining of your mouth and your tongue. The antibiotics killing both good and bad bacteria upset your mouths natural flora (balance). This can result in not only oral thrush but also the lack of vitamin B causes mouth ulcers and inflamation of the tongue. It is for this reason it angers me that doctors do not recommend a good multivitamin or atleast vitamin b complex supplement to take whilst you are on antibiotics. Many people can end up with anemia from taking antibiotics just because of the lack of vitamin b whilst they are on them. Rest assured, it is NOT HIV. Eat natural live yogurt to replace the good bacteria in your mouth and get a multi vitamin with added iron/vitamin B complex and you will find both problems will disappear. x

06-05-09, 00:19
Hi all, i have a few things wrong & im scared its a sign of something serious :( i had root canal done 4 day ago & in agony, i am on anti biotics waiting for them to kick in, i have since developed 4 mouth ulcers, a really sore throat & my burning tongue is soo much worse. I keep thinking it might be hiv or something any ideas?:weep:

Hey ho Tash,

Listen what you are doing is what I did, there will NEVER be an end there will always be something else.:weep:

I went to a Psychiatrist who explained what was going on and he diagnosed me with ocd, most people on this site here have the same symptoms I had.

Please listen to me, as I know you don't realise it now but treating the disorder with meds WORKS and you can then have a normal life.

You need to at least try, your Dr can prescribe them too. It's not shameful to be taking them and it will help you.

I don't know why my brain reacts so well to sertraline and paroxetine (two meds I have taken, now on sertraline) but all the worry goes and I have not had a problem for months now.

I guess this is the last time i will put this here cos I feel frustrated you are soo young and I want you to feel normal and calm, I still worry about stuff but not irrational and not to the extreme.

So I guess that's all I have to say.

you can reassure yourself on here but it wont last long and from what I have experienced it seems to be a brain problem ..... both sides of my family seem to have the same sort of OCD problems.

GOOD luck:bighug1:

06-05-09, 02:09
Hey ho Tash,

Listen what you are doing is what I did, there will NEVER be an end there will always be something else.:weep:

I went to a Psychiatrist who explained what was going on and he diagnosed me with ocd, most people on this site here have the same symptoms I had.

Please listen to me, as I know you don't realise it now but treating the disorder with meds WORKS and you can then have a normal life.

You need to at least try, your Dr can prescribe them too. It's not shameful to be taking them and it will help you.

I don't know why my brain reacts so well to sertraline and paroxetine (two meds I have taken, now on sertraline) but all the worry goes and I have not had a problem for months now.

I guess this is the last time i will put this here cos I feel frustrated you are soo young and I want you to feel normal and calm, I still worry about stuff but not irrational and not to the extreme.

So I guess that's all I have to say.

you can reassure yourself on here but it wont last long and from what I have experienced it seems to be a brain problem ..... both sides of my family seem to have the same sort of OCD problems.

GOOD luck:bighug1:

Sertraline is prescribed for depression. It is a selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor. Sertraline will only work on a person that is suffering from a form of depression that requires regulation of the seratonin in their brain, alternatively it can be used for symptoms of OCD. This however will not work for a person suffering from circumstantial depression..... or health anxiety. To prescribe a person SSRI's because they show signs of health anxiety will not solve the problem... in fact it will make no difference at all. The doctor will just keep upping the meds until finally they will try them on something else claiming the first one didnt have any effect. Why you would suggest someone go along there and ask for such medication is beyond me as tash is suffering from health anxiety not depression or ocd. I agree it is not shameful to be taking them.... but it is stupid to imply someone could be ashamed of going to a doctor to ask for ocd/depression medication when they suffer from health anxiety? Health Anxiety is also a disorder.... but very much different from OCD. Admittedly many health anxiety sufferes also suffer from other conditions such as depression, social anxiety, OCD, agorophobia etc..... but they cannot all be treated with medication. Health Anxiety is generally triggered by circumstances that have made you feel threatened. Near death experiences, death of a loved one or friend, serious illness etc... so for the larger part it is psychological... a need for health reassurance, hence the term "health Anxiety" and not "illness". Sorry, I know you meant well but I do not agree with your suggestions. A normal life is not a medicated one... unless it is the only option that can deal with a persons particular problems. I do not believe this to be the case as health anxiety is primarily circumstantial.

06-05-09, 02:42
Sertraline is prescribed for depression. It is a selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor. Sertraline will only work on a person that is suffering from a form of depression that requires regulation of the seratonin in their brain, alternatively it can be used for symptoms of OCD. This however will not work for a person suffering from circumstantial depression..... or health anxiety. To prescribe a person SSRI's because they show signs of health anxiety will not solve the problem... in fact it will make no difference at all. The doctor will just keep upping the meds until finally they will try them on something else claiming the first one didnt have any effect. Why you would suggest someone go along there and ask for such medication is beyond me as tash is suffering from health anxiety not depression or ocd. I agree it is not shameful to be taking them.... but it is stupid to imply someone could be ashamed of going to a doctor to ask for ocd/depression medication when they suffer from health anxiety? Health Anxiety is also a disorder.... but very much different from OCD. Admittedly many health anxiety sufferes also suffer from other conditions such as depression, social anxiety, OCD, agorophobia etc..... but they cannot all be treated with medication. Health Anxiety is generally triggered by circumstances that have made you feel threatened. Near death experiences, death of a loved one or friend, serious illness etc... so for the larger part it is psychological... a need for health reassurance, hence the term "health Anxiety" and not "illness". Sorry, I know you meant well but I do not agree with your suggestions. A normal life is not a medicated one... unless it is the only option that can deal with a persons particular problems. I do not believe this to be the case as health anxiety is primarily circumstantial.

My my good luck struggling EVERYDAY, I hope at the end of it you find out what exactly is causing your "Health anxiety" and I hope you don't waste many years doing it.

You want to show yourself you are a tough cookie, however I feel that's very

06-05-09, 02:49
Ahh yes and to add, my life is as normal as most and yes I will always be on medication.( And I know how ssris work)
When you are depressed your serotonin is low, even from something that has happened in your life this has been proved, meds can help you get back on top and then you can stop taking them.

And It was JUST a suggestion Tash TRY meds or talking to a psychiatrist to see IF that would help.

But I what I do know is that everyone has different experiences and that's what we share on this site, hoping that it will help someone in their quest to get better. Just don't be too STRONG when you go to challenge someone elses experience.

06-05-09, 08:25
hi joyce, i know your right i just dont want meds i am having cbt in mid june so i pray that helps buit yes its just one thing after another lately. thanks loads for your response xxx

06-05-09, 10:24
My my good luck struggling EVERYDAY, I hope at the end of it you find out what exactly is causing your "Health anxiety" and I hope you don't waste many years doing it.

You want to show yourself you are a tough cookie, however I feel that's very

I do not struggle every day. As a matter of fact, I suffered from depression, social anxiety and panic attacks for 24 years. I was medicated for three of them and had my medication upped 4 times. The doctors refused to give me any kind of talk therapy unless I showed willing by taking antidepressants and betablockers. At the end of the three years of suffering side effects worse than the initial problems I told the doctor I NEEDED counselling. I replaced my meds with talking therapy.... as I suffered circumstantial depression due to my childhood and not a chemical imbalance in my brain. My doctor diagnosed me with Neurotic Reactive Clinical Depression. I spent six months in counselling and had ALL aspects of my problems under control, to the point I no longer suffer depression, social anxiety and my panic attacks can be diffused immediately should one occasionally occur. My life was VERY normal. I suffer from health anxiety now, but this began in November after scattering my mums ashes. She died of an aggressive form of cancer that spread rapidly throughout her body. I was her primary carer at home for four years. I was absolutely fine after she passed away until I went to scatter her ashes, I came back and found a letter from my GP on the doorstep saying my smear tests came back abnormal. It was such a sensitive subject for me. The doctor had written the letter with poor grammer and it actually wrongly implied I had cancer. This was where the health anxiety began. I suddenly felt VERY fragile and mortal and feared I was next in line to die at just 31 years old. This is a circumstantial disorder. It is not a chemical imbalance in my brain. To take medication for such a thing would be a stupid thing to do as the issue is not with seratonin but poor use of coping mechanisms regarding the loss of my mother. Many people have had similar experiences that triggered their anxiety regarding their health... to imply medication is the ONLY way to have a "normal" life is a shockingly poor insight. I am really happy the medication worked for you but I do not think it is advisible you suggest everyone suffering a disorder like this take the simple yet sometimes detrimental route of asking their gp to medicate them before they have tried to solve the situation for them selves using their own methods... whether that be through asking for reassurance, trying vitamin supplements, relaxation classes, talk therapy or anything. A better suggestion would be to see how the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy goes first before asking to have drugs to get over it. Good luck with the CBT by the way... theres a two year waiting list here in Portsmouth. x

06-05-09, 13:00
You assume too much

I have tried many things including CBT

like I was trying to say before. my advice was to See a psychiatrist and get him/her to point you in the right direction, rather than spending months doing it the hard way alone. why should someone else have to do it when I have already done it... I want to share my experience and hope to shorten someone elses recovery time.

And Tash I hope the CBT goes well for you.:yesyes:

06-05-09, 13:02
hi joyce, i know your right i just dont want meds i am having cbt in mid june so i pray that helps buit yes its just one thing after another lately. thanks loads for your response xxx

Good luck and I'm having a girl by the way, I found out today:D

06-05-09, 13:18
wooooooooooo thats great news joyce! big congrats. I cnt wait to have another x

06-05-09, 14:15
Here are my thoughts on the meds vs. cognitive therapy and something said by Joyce ("There will NEVER be an end and there will always be something else").

I don't agree and I think this is very discouraging for those of us who are trying to get over this condition. I understand Joyce's frustration and it breaks my heart to see young people here struggling so much. However, I have seen far too many people go to psychiatrists and given meds that screwed them up worse than they were in the first place. Now they were obsessing about side effects. People with anxiety are so finely attuned to their bodies and you add a drug and new sensations...this is why many people with anxiety disorder (not necessarily health anxiety) are afraid of meds and go the route of therapy. Psychiatrists basically prescribe drugs. Can you really anticipate being on a drug all of your life, until you're 80 or 90 and expect them to stay forever effective? And with no side effects and damage?

I also take issue with doctors who say that someone has a serotonin imbalance. Based on who? Who is the gauge they are using? I would like to know who fits the norm..what person they used as "normal". There is no such thing, no proven level of what our serotonin is supposed to be. There are also many books and studies that say Prozac works as well as a placebo, sugar pill.

I am a firm believer that we CAN get over this condition with cognitive therapy and a lot of practice. It took years to develop this and it can't be undone so fast. I also know that there are great therapists and lousy therapists out there and if the therapist hasn't read the books that we talk about here or are reluctant to buy them in order to help us (we CAN ask them to read them)...find another therapist.

Most experts in this field say that cognitive therapy is the best treatment for health anxiety. I have no problem with someone taking a medication to help them while in therapy at the beginning of we need to calm down in order to be receptive to the therapy. I just don't think that meds alone are the best answer. If you ever have to stop the meds, run out, are in a situation someday where they aren't available, anything...then you are back to square one with no skills that therapy could have taught you.

06-05-09, 14:47
congrats on your due birth a little girl:hugs:..anyway i have been reading the threads here and id just like to say is that i attend a psychiatrist and a psychologist..i was told i had panic disorder..was given tablets which IL not name in case any 1 is taking them..and i took a reaction to them..as a result i am now scared of taking meds..sych wanted me to escitalopram start taking a quarter a day till i could manage to take the full tablet..tried and tried and coudnt would make myself sick to bring it back up ..i know silly..it was decided today that ive not to take anything as it is only making me worse..i also am getting cbt..now they are saying i have health anxiety..every 1 is different some of us are a bit stronger than others..i say if it works for you then go for it..but as they say it is only ourselfs at the end of the day that can get better with there help..phewwwww

06-05-09, 15:05
please excuse the phrasing as i was just trying to get it all out..x

06-05-09, 23:02
I think everyone is individual on this one.... rather like you say Lauren, how do you gauge what level of seratonin is the norm... well the same thing applies with regards to medications or therapy or both - as everyone is different, different solutions apply. One man's drink is another man's poison and what works for one may not work for another. Perhaps medications suit Joyce whereas they don't suit you or Xfilme.... you cannot judge others by yourself and everyone needs / wants different remedies. For anyone to dismiss either one is wrong. Dont you think? Your advice is always spot on but sometimes there are less definitive answers... I've done therapy (CBT) which worked for a while but seems to have faded a bit now and am thinking of medications as am slightly desperate. But, on the flip side, I have bought the books you recommended (did I ever thank you for those?) and am going to try them first....
Each to their own I guess.

06-05-09, 23:12
Tash, good luck on the CBT. I started about a week ago, and these past 5 days have been my best when dealing with my HA.

I have been prescribed benzos and SSRIs...they were horrible to me, but everyone is different. Even though I could sleep when I took the klonopin, it only muted my HA....and made me really tired. But some people can't get by without meds...and that is perfectly ok. My body could not tolerate SSRIs....it was telling me no.

For me...I am sort of a pharmacophobe. My sister had a terminal illness for 23 years...it was terrible...she took all kinds of meds, sometimes 40 different pills a day. I hate taking medication. I am afraid I will become tolerant and it won't help after awhile.

Then she died and the doctors didn't have an explanation for what had happened after she had been doing a lot better. I didn't realize it, but it made me afraid of the hospital. It made me afraid of a lot of stuff.

When I got sick with this weird inner ear thing....I was so scared....I let all of that history with my sister and my anxiety about sickness totally overwhelm me.

HA is not who I am. But it is here right now. CBT has been good so far. I know deep inside that I have to make the choice as to what to do. CBT is helping me to do that.

Whatever route anyone takes...I applaud everybody on here for having the courage to come here and talk with others...and to try to do something about it. I tried to hide my HA for a long time...I am so glad for the people here. I don't feel alone anymore.

Good luck to everyone. :yesyes:

07-05-09, 03:21
Bex I totally agree. Just to clarify, I wasnt saying anyone should get just one and not the other... I was just saying it is wrong to suggest medication as more reliable over something less natural for your body... unless you have tried the simplist options first... and although in this day and age medication is technically easier to obtain, it is still not as easy as talking in terms of less disruption to your body. My disagreement was not so much the suggestion of trying it but the implication that all disorders required the same treatment in order to be considered "normal". As I said, if all else fails give meds a go, but I find it hard to accept that doctors are always sooooo keen to write you a prescription over therapy as there is more money in it.... unless you put up a fight, talking therapies and non medicated routes tend to be last on their priority list. I only spoke out because gp's rarely turn down a request for giving antidepressants and suchlike without sufficient research into what is actually necessary for a specific individuals problem. It is more down to the text book knowledge of most gp's that infuriates me. I only said it was not a good idea to suggest someone try it so keenly... there is no medicine/chemicals involved with talking therapies.... so of course Im going to emphasise trying that route first... its less likely to be detrimental to your health. Who wouldnt?

07-05-09, 03:44
Hi Bex, I am so glad you got the books! I do see your point and would not want to dissuade someone from taking meds if they are in a state where they need some extra help. I am sure you have also read that the experts are all for a combination of meds and cognitive therapy. I guess I am biased because I have seen friends turn pretty weird while on meds long term. I have also seen friends who take an occasional klonopin as needed and are fine. I hope I don't come across as judgemental. I think xfilme summed up what I was also trying to say. On the other side...there is a book called Phantom Illness which I have by Carla (forgot her last name) and she totally took the medication route with a dr. in NYC..I think it was Prozac and as of her writing, it worked for her. So I can't argue with progress.

I want to say one more thing though..everyone on this board is involved in cognitive therapy in a way just by being here. We absorb something from every thread, gain some insight, see ourselves in other people and realize (when it's not us) how erroneous the thinking seems. But intellect and logic are one thing and our emotional response to this darn disorder are another. Just want to say how grateful I am to have found this group.

08-05-09, 14:52
Hi guys - fair points all round I think.... each to their own and for me, a combination of both I suspect.... I agree that meds for long-term aren't ideal. I don't think anyone was being judgmental at all - we all have strong opinions on here and as a site, it's a form of therapy in itself as you have said.

I only hope it's helped Tash decide what is best for her....
Have great weekends all.