View Full Version : wierd feelings - especially when lying in bed

05-05-09, 16:32
Hello all -

Even though I am new to this website - I have been dealing with all sorts of wierd, scary, and almost life changing issues for years now. I have seen doctors, neurologists, cardiologists - I have also had MRIs/CAT scans on my head, neck, chest, numerous EKG's (from emerg room visits), Echocardiograms, etc. Every doctor tells me that I am just fine. But none of them can even begin to explain my symptoms.

I'll try and keep this short. For a week in March of 2006 i felt strange feelings when I tried to go to sleep. I would close my eyes trying to fall asleep and I would, almost immediately, get an immediate and short term (only lasting a second or two) feeling that I was falling. I would jerk up in bed, opening my eyes, and it would immediately go away. I would have this feeling 2 or 3 times a night before I was able to drift asleep. On the 7th day of this, I had the feeling again but this time it didn't go away when I moved and opened my eyes - it lasted several more seconds (probably 5 - 10). As I sat up in bed I immediately got this intense squeezing sensation at the middle of my chest - this lasted for 5 seconds or so and happened three times in several minutes. This scared the heck out of me and my heart pounded in my chest at the same time. Needless to say - I thought I was having a heart attack and called 911. By the time they showed up I was feeling a little better and they found nothing wrong with me. I went to the emergency room on several occations due to the same symptoms over the next couple months - finding nothing. I also went to a cardiologist - again - finding nothing wrong.

During this period I also began experience other symptoms.

:scared15: My vision began to change (to the point of needing prisms in my glasses) but they don't seem to work. It is like my eyes don't focus right together. I would feel literally dizzy in grocery stores due to this.

:blush: The floor always seemed to be shaking - like a train was going by outside. This would happen often - and it was very annoying. Nobody could tell me why it was going on.

:wacko: Often at night, I get these strange feelings, like electricity is going through my body. Sometimes it comes in short bursts (1/2 seconds), other times it slowly builds up over 30 seconds or so and then diminishes - especially after I move. It seems almost positional - but heck - I don't know!!

:ohmy: Then, particularly when the shaking was going on, I was a little off-balance. Nothing big - I could still walk fine - even keep playing basketball daily without issues. But sometimes I would take a step and it would feel like my foot fell through the floor - or I was walking on a trampoline. Again - no explanation from the docs.

:huh: Every night as I try to sleep I can't. My heart seems to pound so hard (not fast - just hard) that it shakes my whole body - sometimes even my bed. My girlfriend can feel it a little, but not that much. But it keeps me from sleeping for hours and only seems to diminish in the early morning hours. When combined with wierd falling sensations, chest feelings, and inner vibrations, it does get a little scary.

:lac: I believe this has taken a toll on my quality of living. I'm tired all the time, my balance is always a little off, and I generally don't feel good. I have no idea how to fix things - the Doc's have given me some Xanax to help me sleep - but it doesn't seem to work all that well.

Any suggestions?? I feel like an idiot going to the Dr with these issues - they look at me almost like I'm crazy.

But I'm not - and just want to get better. Do I feel stressed? No. I do worry about these issues - but I certainly don't feel like a panic sufferer - though I am slowly coming to the realization that it is the only explanation for what I'm experiencing.

- Josh

05-05-09, 16:45
A few years ago, when I first started having panic attacks, I would also get the jerking thing as I was going to sleep, sometimes I would also be coming around from sleep, (particular if I was having an afternoon nap) and be unable to move. Both things eventually went on their own but I do know that the latter thing is caused by a normal chemical that your body releases in normal sleep and it is nothing to be worried about. To put it very simply, you just are more alert mentally before the rest of you has woken up! I found the jerking thing very frustrating, but it is just your brain getting confused again...I read somewhere that it happens as we are starting to relax and are brains are telling us we are about to fall, hence the jerk and you are fully awake. This could be just because your senses are a bit more heightened at the moment due to stress/anxiety.

I believe that your other symptoms are very normal with anxiety (I have had them at one stage or another - often together) and as long as you have seen a GP and been checked out properly then I would just try hot baths, milky drinks etc.

The above is just my opinion based on what I have experienced and read. At one time I was afraid to fall asleep and got myself in such a state that I wouldn't even have a nap, waiting instead for night time but it did go of its own accord so keep your chin up.
