View Full Version : Me or the drugs?

Tori Frances
05-05-09, 17:41
Just needed some words of support.
I am going from feeling so anxious think I will burst out of my skin, to feeling like am just coming round from general anaesthetic am so otherworldly and drugged. In fact sometimes I feel a mixture of the two which I did not think was possible. I am on Citalopram 40mg, (been on for 6 weeks), and Quetiapine 50mg, (3 weeks). Am also withdrawing from Diazepam and came off clomipramine a few months ago. My Psychiatrist says my symptoms are due to my anxiety and depression not the side effects of drugs am on or withdrawl, (said Quetiapine should cover diazepam withdrawl). I have had this illness before but never this bad or for this long, (has been four months of constant hell now). It doesn't make any sense. Why aren't I getting better instead of worse? Dr says some people take longer to get better than others.

05-05-09, 19:53
Hi Tori, Sorry to hear you are feeling horrible. It certainly sounds like a combination of side effects from the citalopram and quetiapine that are making you feel drugged.I felt like that on 40mg and wasnt taking anything else,it didnt ease up after 8 weeks so i reduced it to 35mg...The quetiapine has also got side effects of drowsiness .But i expect once the discontinuation effects have gone from the Diazepam ,you will start to stabilise . Diazepam is not a nice drug to withdraw from. As for substituting it for another,it makes it easier but you still get withdrawal effects and effects of a new drug entering your system.It does vary from person to person how long this takes, .But the citalopram should have settled after 8 weeks but some people it occassionaly takes a bit longer to get the full benefits.Your DR will probably stop the quetiapine once the diazepam has cleared from your system and then your dose of CIT may be adjusted depending how you are.You are through the worst well done! hang on a bit longer ,you will start to feel better soon Take care hugs !SUE :hugs:

05-05-09, 20:11
Tori Hi,
I know how bad one can feel going off old med's, and put on new ones. It sounds like side effects from coming off the other durgs, and the new one kicking in.. Some take time, and others should work sooner. If you feel like you can't give it more time tell your doc, and he can put you on something else that may kick in quicker. You need to tell your doc what you can and can't handel. Not everyone will respond the same way to a drug. Some work and some don't, depends on the person and the problems. Let me know how this is working out for you, I care and I am worried for your well being.
Take care

Tori Frances
07-05-09, 09:05
Thanks. Have told Dr need more urgent support but says am getting all support with meds and therapy that I could possibly be offered. Am very sad and tired.