View Full Version : my partner is depressed plz help

05-05-09, 19:39
ok, i dont know if we do this, but my partner has asked me to post a thread for him, not got time he said but i think he is kind of admitting he has a problem but is not admitting that he needs the help ( well its a start):winks:

he is 28, works about 70hrs a week and suffers from depression really bad thinks about killing himself, he is taking st jons wort 2 be supportive of me:winks: . i dont know how to help him and have tried to get him to the doctors but not having enough time is a great cry. he doesnt bottle up his problems and is very open most of his problems seem to be about money and they spiral out of control until he is depressed about something stupid the last thing was being bald,

so wondering if we can get advice posted please, xxx

05-05-09, 20:06

I am not a doctor but why don,t you go to his gp and tell them whats happening. Sometimes its hard admitting you have a problem to someone you don,t know.There is loads of help and advice on here.

Take care both of you and let me know how you get on.

Sharona x

05-05-09, 20:08

I think the first step for your partner needs to be to take time out and speak to his GP. It may take an hour out of one of his days but it may be the best things he does. Keep us up to date on how he is

07-05-09, 13:22
Hi Patmac, gosh 70 hours a week! It is an awful lot of hours to cope with. I know how hard it is for some people to go to the doctors with something physical so for something you cant see it is even harder. Sharona made the suggestion of you going to the GP, this is a good idea if you cannot get your partner to go. If nothing else it will informative to you and you could pass on this information to your partner.
This may encourage him to go. Depression is scary and the unkown is scary, maybe some factual information may help him.
I am sorry that I am not much of a help I am not in a great place myself
I have been looking through posts and it seems that there is a lot of good support here.
I hope you get him to the doctors, best of luck
Maz x