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05-05-09, 22:42
Hey all,

Ok, last night I woke up during the night. Well I thought I was awake. I could not move my body. I was awake but other than that the rest was asleep. This did happen to me months and months ago. But I shook myself to wake up. But this time nothing. I could not hear anything, see anything nor shout for help.

I tried to move but then I heard a ringing in my ear. It got louder and louder. So loud that I thought my head would explode. I've had a headache all day because of how violent the ringing was. Anyway eventually I got myself together. BUT! I happened again as soon as I went back to sleep and awoke again.

Can someone please tell me whats going on? I really don't want to go to bed tonight :S


05-05-09, 22:50
Its called by a few names one of them is sleeping paralysis. Don't be afraid of it as it is very common and will not harm you though, I know how scary it can be the first time. Your mind is awake but your body is still asleep and the only way from what I know is to just close your eyes and go back to sleep and wait to wake up naturally. It petrified me the first time I had it but I'm ok with it now. It really doesn't happen very often so don't be afraid to go to sleep. I also get the ringing in the ears with it, but actually to me it was like screaming! not a nice but very normal experience.
Take Care

05-05-09, 22:51
This has happened to me a few times before. Thinking I am awake and trying to move and being unable to - or even thinking I have moved but end up somehow realising that I haven't. Extremely weird sensation - it normally is a signal of accute stress or anxiety...

I used to hear myself scream really loudly and would often have a headache all day the next day. I wouldn't say it was normal but I think it's stress related as opposed to anything serious. I used to dread going to bed too but found that deep breathing before I went to sleep, for some reason, really helped. Also, not sure if you share your bed with a husband / partner etc. but holding onto them seems to help too....

It's extremely disturbing feeling so I do sympathise...

05-05-09, 23:04
Thank you both very much for your comments. Sleep Paralysis. Hmm, I better back an appointment to see DR.GOOGLE.

Unfortunately I do not have a partner, so when this happens to me its pitch black. Very scary :(

06-05-09, 01:33
I have sleep paralysis frequently. I'm used to it now but it was really scary the first few times. Your mind is awake but your body isn't. One technique I try when it happens is to try and concentrate on moving on finger. It takes a while but eventually I can move again. It helps to focus on something rather than panicking as well.

06-05-09, 03:41
Thank you both very much for your comments. Sleep Paralysis. Hmm, I better back an appointment to see DR.GOOGLE.

Unfortunately I do not have a partner, so when this happens to me its pitch black. Very scary :(

Do Not book an appointment with Dr Coogle:shades::shades:

I've also had this happen to me on numerous occasions and I agree it's very frightening.


06-05-09, 08:49

this site tells you about it and how common it is. It really is not anything to be worried about.

06-05-09, 10:40
I had sleep paralysis when I was younger and it used to really scare me. I found for me the only way around it was to get up and make a cup of tea or sometime and make sure I gave it ten mins before I went back to sleep. I used to have it as a result of being overtired.

06-05-09, 11:07
This is a common experience and is nothing to get worried about. I've had it a few times but i love my sleep so much i try and ignore it and just go back to sleep. I find it normally happens when your mind is alert during sleep so an anxious state could definitely be a catalyst. Try not to worry about it though as it is normal for anyone to experience.

06-05-09, 11:19
Hi, I get this as well, it can be very scarey, i am usually completely paralysed by it but often feel like i've talked to my husband during it but i've not, and i realise this when i gradually come out of it, don't know what causes it , but i'm sure it's nothing to worry about as it sounds like loads of us experience it xx

06-05-09, 11:30
I have had this happen to me too...as they others say it is very common and nothing to worry about, it happened to me at the height of my panic attacks and is very scary but just because it happens a few times doesn't mean it will carry on so try not to think about it too much. Warm bath, milky drinks etc and perhaps read a bit (something light) before you try and sleep?

Ali x

Little Miss Anxious
06-05-09, 14:58
I've had this 2 or 3 times before (years apart) its just happened randomly, can't think there was anything on my mind at the time causing anxiety so it must just have been one of those things.

It frigtened me to death at the time, I remember once trying to kick my legs thinking I was trapped but nothing would move. I thought there was something wrong with me until finding out its quite normal & most people will probably get this at least once in their lifetime, now I know a what it is I may be less inclined to panic if it happens again, the confusion of just waking up dosent help it though !! Think it sometimes only lasts 20 seconds or so but that would seem much longer at the time. Its one of the wierdest sensations :scared15:

06-05-09, 15:52
I've had this on and off since I was a teenager. I used to find it terrifying but now if it happens, I just let it happen til it wears off. Sometimes I concentrate on one tiny bit of me like a finger to move. As soon as I make that move it is like the spell is broken! Like another poster, I find I have to waken properly, or I just go right back into it again.