View Full Version : Here I go again..Hard lump above adams apple

06-05-09, 00:54
Sooo, a new lumps, a new fear, a new post...

I found a hard lump on my throat, its located above my adams apple, near the middle but not exactly, just a bit to the right, its on the hard stuff of the throat, About an inch (2.5 cm) above the adams apple slightly to the right...

Does anyone know what this could be, or does anyone have anything similar? I do not wish to google ^^

Kind regards,

Kraggy <3

06-05-09, 07:03
I don't have an adam's apple since I'm a girl but I just felt myself in that general area. I think maybe it could be a swollen gland....I have a bunch of glands in that area. Totally normal.

06-05-09, 12:03
Thank you for your answer, Girlrock.

I think it might be a Lymph Node then, since I got a few more swollen ones on my jaw-lines..

But the one on my throat seems to be immobile & a bit harder then the rest, scaring me alot since my main fear is cancer...And I've read to much about Lymph Nodes & cancer in the past to be relaxed now :(

Stupid Dr.Google & stupid me for booking appointments in the past..

06-05-09, 17:12
hi ive jus been checking, i have the same now im worrrying lol

i think its either my adams apple or its the bone above your thyroid is your very hard an immobile it deffo not a lymph gland cos there isnt any there there either side of the gullet n im obsessed with lymphoma so id know lol

is yours the same??

06-05-09, 17:12
honey that is just your thyroid gland/bone you are feeling. everyone has that. you can show your doc but it's always been there and you're just hyper sensitive about it now. i am feeling mine right now! feels hard and scary, but it's just a body part!!!!!!! trust me i made them scan my neck .. it's all normal.

06-05-09, 17:23
Thank you for the info Justbananas, but I am afraid the lump is located quite a bit above the Thyroid thingie (Assuming it is the Adams apple) about an inch (or 2.5 cm) An its not nicely centered as I'd expect a bone to be ^^

06-05-09, 18:09
honestly, depending on how you stretch your neck it's almost touching the chin. it's not a lymph node and it's not anything bad. nothing in our necks are really truly symmetrical either. a doc would feel it and in 5 seconds tell you exactly what part of the bone or thyroid it is, if that would make you feel better. you don't even have a lymph chain in that area as far as i know.