View Full Version : Just Had Big Panic Attack

06-05-09, 04:08
Ive just had a big PA and I still feel like im having it yet i am now calm.

I think it came on becoz I was needing the toilet, which I didnt do to begin with, but thn wen i went i felt a bit better...

im more thinkin about my breathing. evn tho slow is good im thinkin its bad.... im gona see my doc the day as i cant cope with this any more :(....

06-05-09, 12:51

hope u are feeling better


love mandie x

06-05-09, 13:20
They are not very nice when they come along.............hope your feeling bit better. I had one this morning, mine come and go when they please .........i try to go slower in what im doing. Angie x

06-05-09, 13:44
Aw pam i hope your feeling better now, i know its so scary when you get a pa. I hope your gp can help you in some way.
Take care

claire m
06-05-09, 16:44
aww pam big hugs the physical feelings of anxiety are truly awful, I hope you get to have a good chat with your doctor.:bighug1::bighug1:

06-05-09, 18:20
I used to be in the same boat as you. I would wake up and feel so anxious and then it would develop in to a full blown attack. Then I would be scared of having another attack, so of course I then did have another.

I know its hard duck, but you have to fight it. It is very unpleasent, but it can not harm you and no one has ever died from a panic attack.

I think it is a good idea to see a DR, they may be able to give you something just to calm your nerves a little. Maybe some CBT would help too.

Hope your feeling better soon

All the best
